1. The rates of gluconeogenesis from many precursors have been measured in the perfused rat liver and, for comparison, in rat liver slices. All livers were from rats starved for 48hr. Under optimum conditions the rates in perfused liver were three to five times those found under optimum conditions in slices. 2. Rapid gluconeogenesis (rates of above 0.5mumole/g./min.) were found with lactate, pyruvate, alanine, serine, proline, fructose, dihydroxyacetone, sorbitol, xylitol. Unexpectedly other amino acids, notably glutamate and aspartate, and the intermediates of the tricarboxylic acid cycle (with the exception of oxaloacetate), reacted very slowly and were not readily removed from the perfusion medium, presumably because of permeability barriers which prevent the passage of highly charged negative ions. Glutamine and asparagine formed glucose more readily than the corresponding amino acids. 3. Glucagon increased the rate of gluconeogenesis from lactate and pyruvate but not from any other precursor tested. This occurred when the liver was virtually completely depleted of glycogen. Two sites of action of glucagon must therefore be postulated: one concerned with mobilization of liver glycogen, the other with the promotion of gluconeogenesis. Sliced liver did not respond to glucagon. 4. Pyruvate and oxaloacetate formed substantial quantities of lactate on perfusion, which indicates that the reducing power provided in the cytoplasm was in excess of the needs of gluconeogenesis. 5. Values for the content of intermediary metabolites of gluconeogenesis in the perfused liver are reported. The values for most intermediates rose on addition of lactate. 6. The rates of gluconeogenesis from lactate and pyruvate were not affected by wide variations of the lactate/pyruvate ratio in the perfusion medium.

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