1. The activities of citrate synthase, NAD+-linked and NADP+-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase were measured in muscles from a large number of animals, in order to provide some indication of the importance of the citric acid cycle in these muscles. According to the differences in enzyme activities, the muscles can be divided into three classes. First, in a number of both vertebrate and invertebrate muscles, the activities of all three enzymes are very low. It is suggested that either the muscles use energy at a very low rate or they rely largely on anaerobic glycolysis for higher rates of energy formation. Second, most insect flight muscles contain high activities of citrate synthase and NAD+-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase, but the activities of the NADP+-linked enzyme are very low. The high activities indicate the dependence of insect flight on energy generated via the citric acid cycle. The flight muscles of the beetles investigated contain high activities of both isocitrate dehydrogenases. Third, other muscles of both vertebrates and invertebrates contain high activities of citrate synthase and NADP+-liniked isocitrate dehydrogenase. Many, if not all, of these muscles are capable of sustained periods of mechanical activity (e.g. heart muscle, pectoral muscles of some birds). Consequently, to support this activity fuel must be supplied continually to the muscle via the circulatory system which, in most animals, also transports oxygen so that energy can be generated by complete oxidation of the fuel. It is suggested that the low activities of NAD+-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase in these muscles may be involved in oxidation of isocitrate in the cycle when the muscles are at rest. 2. A comparison of the maximal activities of the enzymes with the maximal flux through the cycle suggests that, in insect flight muscle, NAD+-linked isocitrate dehydrogenase catalyses a non-equilibrium reaction and citrate synthease catalyses a near-equilibrium reaction. In other muscles, the enzyme-activity data suggest that both citrate synthase and the isocitrate dehydrogenase reactions are near-equilibrium.

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