The effects of litter removal on the status of different components of the hormone-sensitive adenylate cyclase system were analysed in plasma membranes of rat adipocytes. These effects were correlated with the decreased lipolytic response of adipose tissue. No changes in total number of A1 adenosine receptors or their affinity were detected in response to litter removal. In contrast, beta-adrenergic receptors showed a decrease (35%) in total number of receptors, without any significant change in their affinity. The status of alpha-GS and alpha-Gi, the alpha-subunits of G proteins which mediate stimulation and inhibition respectively of adenylate cyclase, were probed by cholera- and pertussis-toxin-catalysed ADP-ribosylation respectively and by immunoblot. Associated with litter removal, decreases of 63% and 62% in the incorporation of [alpha 32P]ADP-ribose catalysed by cholera toxin and pertussis toxin into alpha-Gs and alpha-Gi respectively were detected. Immunoblotting using RM/1 (anti-alpha-Gs) and AS/7 (anti-alpha-Gi) antisera also showed decreases in the levels of alpha-Gs (52%) and alpha-Gi (55%) in adipocyte membranes from litter-removed rats compared with lactating rats. Alterations in the status of hormone-sensitive adenylate cyclase components, such as those described herein, may be biochemical mechanism(s) by which adipose tissue shows a decreased lipolytic response during recovery from lactation.

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