The intralobular distribution of metabolism was examined in the livers from rats with severe diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), perfused at pH 6.8, and compared with that in livers from normal starved animals perfused at either pH 7.4 or 6.8. With lactate and palmitate as substrates, the perivenous uptake of periportally synthesized glucose seen in normal livers at pH 7.4 was abolished during DKA; indeed, gluconeogenesis was most active in the perivenous region. Whereas in normal livers perfused at pH 7.4 the periportal region showed a markedly elevated intracellular pH (pHi) compared with the perivenous zone, this distribution of pHi was reversed in DKA, with an intermediate distribution in normal livers perfused at pH 6.8. 3-Hydroxybutyrate was generated throughout the lobule. Some acetoacetate generated periportally was converted to 3-hydroxybutyrate more perivenously. A steep gradient of oxygen uptake along the radius of the lobule was apparent in all three groups; oxygen uptake was greatly decreased perivenously despite adequate oxygen supply. These findings are consistent with our previous observations of the lobular co-location of high pHi and gluconeogenesis, and might offer an explanation of how high gluconeogenic rates can continue in spite of severe systemic acidosis in DKA. The findings provide direct evidence for a marked redistribution of intralobular metabolism in DKA.

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