In the light of the occurrence of l-lactate dehydrogenase inside the mitochondrial matrix, we looked at whether isolated rat liver mitochondria can take up and metabolize l-lactate, and provide oxaloacetate outside mitochondria, thus contributing to a partial reconstruction of gluconeogenesis in vitro. We found that: (1) l-lactate (10 mM), added to mitochondria in the presence of a cocktail of glycolysis/gluconeogenesis enzymes and cofactors, can lead to synthesis of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate at a rate of about 7 nmol/min per mg mitochondrial protein. (2) Three novel translocators exist to mediate l-lactate traffic across the inner mitochondrial membrane. An l-lactate/H+ symporter was identified by measuring fluorimetrically the rate of endogenous pyridine nucleotide reduction. Consistently, l-lactate oxidation was found to occur with P/O ratio=3 (where P/O ratio is the ratio of mol of ATP synthesized to mol of oxygen atoms reduced to water during oxidative phosphorylation) and with generation of membrane potential. Proton uptake, which occurred as a result of addition of l-lactate to RLM together with electron flow inhibitors, and mitochondrial swelling in ammonium l-lactate solutions were also monitored. l-Lactate/oxaloacetate and l-lactate/pyruvate anti-porters were identified by monitoring photometrically the appearance of l-lactate counter-anions outside mitochondria. These l-lactate translocators, which are distinct from the monocarboxylate carrier, were found to differ from each other in Vmax values and in inhibition and pH profiles, and proved to regulate mitochondrial l-lactate metabolism in vitro. The role of lactate/mitochondria interactions in gluconeogenesis is discussed.

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