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August 1973
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ISSN 0006-2936
In this Issue
Cellular Interactions and Control Processes
A model for the regulation of δ-aminolaevulinate synthetase induction in rat liver
Biochem J (1973) 134 (4): 847–857.
Subcellular Structures
Biochemical effects of the porphyrinogenic drug allylisopropylacetamide. A comparative study with phenobarbital
Biochem J (1973) 134 (4): 859–868.
Biosynthesis and Degradation
The metabolism of acetamidothiazoles in the rat. 2-Acetamido-, 2-acetamido-4-methyl- and 2-acetamido-4-phenyl-thiazole
Biochem J (1973) 134 (4): 869–878.
Cellular Interactions and Control Processes
Biosynthesis and Degradation
Effect of light on enzymes of phenylpropanoid metabolism and hispidin biosynthesis in Polyporus hispidus
Biochem J (1973) 134 (4): 891–897.
Cellular Interactions and Control Processes
Histone acetylation and hormone action. Early effects of aldosterone on histone acetylation in rat kidney
Biochem J (1973) 134 (4): 907–912.
Biosynthesis and Degradation
Cellular Interactions and Control Processes
Metabolism in Whole Organisms
Biosynthesis and Degradation
The degradation of intravenously injected chondroitin 4-sulphate in the rat
Biochem J (1973) 134 (4): 1009–1013.
Subcellular Structures
Respiration-driven proton translocation by yeast mitochondria with differing efficiencies of oxidative phosphorylation
Biochem J (1973) 134 (4): 1045–1049.
An antimycin A- and cyanide-resistant variant of Candida utilis arising during copper-limited growth
Biochem J (1973) 134 (4): 1051–1061.
Biosynthesis and Degradation
Metabolism of biphenyl. 2-Hydroxy-6-oxo-6-phenylhexa-2,4-dienoate: the meta-cleavage product from 2,3-dihydroxybiphenyl by Pseudomonas putida
Biochem J (1973) 134 (4): 1063–1066.
Cellular Interactions and Control Processes
Biosynthesis and Degradation
Biosynthesis of serum albumin in rat liver. Evidence for the existence of ‘proalbumin’
Biochem J (1973) 134 (4): 1083–1091.
Metabolism in Whole Organisms
Cellular Interactions and Control Processes
Biosynthesis of growth hormone in the rat anterior pituitary gland. Stimulation of biosynthesis in vitro by insulin
Biochem J (1973) 134 (4): 1103–1113.
Biosynthesis and Degradation
Cellular Interactions and Control Processes
Changes in enzyme activities in tissues of rats exposed to hypoxia (Short Communication)
Biochem J (1973) 134 (4): 1119–1122.
Cell-surface mucosubstances from trypsin disaggregation of normal and virus-transformed lines of baby-hamster kidney cells (Short Communication)
Biochem J (1973) 134 (4): 1123–1126.
Biosynthesis and Degradation
The specific radioactivity of the precursor pool for estimates of the rate of protein synthesis (Short Communication)
Biochem J (1973) 134 (4): 1127–1130.