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August 1974
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ISSN 0264-6021
EISSN 1470-8728
In this Issue
Nucleic Acids
The behaviour of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleic acid in partially and completely denaturing conditions
Biochem J (1974) 141 (2): 477–484.
Fidelity of deoxyribonucleic acid polymerases from normal and leukaemic human cells in polydeoxynucleotide replication
Biochem J (1974) 141 (2): 585–587.
The magnesium ion-dependent adenosine triphosphatase of myosin. Two-step processes of adenosine triphosphate association and adenosine diphosphate dissociation
Clive R. Bagshaw; John F. Eccleston; Fritz Eckstein; Roger S. Goody; Herbert Gutfreund; David R. Trentham
Biochem J (1974) 141 (2): 351–364.
Pyridoxal phosphate-sensitized photoinactivation of glutamate decarboxylase from Clostridium perfringens
Biochem J (1974) 141 (2): 463–468.
The partial purification and characterization of cytosol alcohol dehydrogenase from Astasia
Biochem J (1974) 141 (2): 469–475.
A kinetic and fluorimetric investigation of papain modified at tryptophan -69 and -177 by N–bromosuccinimide
Biochem J (1974) 141 (2): 503–515.
Affinity chromatography of bovine trypsin. A rapid separation of bovine α- and β-trypsin
Biochem J (1974) 141 (2): 555–565.
The existence of an electrophilic component in the reaction catalysed by triose phosphate isomerase
Biochem J (1974) 141 (2): 589–592.
Hexose phosphate synthase in trimethylamine-grown bacterium 2B2, a facultative methylotroph
Biochem J (1974) 141 (2): 605–608.
The isolation of an easily reversible postsynaptic toxin from the venom of a sea snake, Laticauda semifasciata
Biochem J (1974) 141 (2): 383–387.
The nature of the multiple forms of cytoplasmic aspartate aminotransferase from pig and sheep heart
Biochem J (1974) 141 (2): 401–406.
Comparison of the biliproteins from two strains of the thermophilic cyanophyte Synechococcus lividus
Biochem J (1974) 141 (2): 419–425.
Isolation of salt-soluble elastin from ligamentum nuchae of copper-deficient calf
Biochem J (1974) 141 (2): 573–575.
Interactions of an intact proteoglycan and its fragments with basic homopolypeptides in dilute aqueous solution
Biochem J (1974) 141 (2): 445–454.
A more detailed study of bile salt evolution, including techniques for small-scale identification and their application to amphibian biles
Biochem J (1974) 141 (2): 485–494.
Small Molecules
Electron-spin-resonance studies of the structure and formation of bacterial diazodiphenoquinone pigments (Short Communication)
Biochem J (1974) 141 (2): 577–580.