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Cellular Interactions and Control Processes

Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 161–166.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 167–172.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 173–180.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 181–190.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 201–210.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 229–232.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 243–254.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 313–323.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 325–331.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 341–348.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 365–372.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 379–387.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 393–399.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 401–408.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 425–427.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 429–432.

Biosynthesis and Degradation

Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 191–199.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 211–216.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 217–228.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 233–241.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 271–279.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 281–289.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 291–302.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 303–311.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 389–392.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 409–416.

Subcellular Structures

Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 255–265.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 267–270.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 373–378.


Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 333–339.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 349–356.

Metabolism in Whole Organisms

Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 357–363.
Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 417–420.


Biochem J (1975) 152 (2): 421–423.
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