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April 1982
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ISSN 0264-6021
EISSN 1470-8728
Research Article
Primary structure of major outer-membrane protein I (ompF protein, porin) of Escherichia coli B/r
Biochem J (1982) 203 (1): 33–43.
Rat mammary-gland fatty acid synthase. A simple purification procedure and stoicheiometry of CoA ester binding
Biochem J (1982) 203 (1): 45–50.
Proton-magnetic-resonance studies on the interaction of rabbit skeletal-muscle troponin I with troponin C and actin
Biochem J (1982) 203 (1): 61–68.
The kinetics of hydrolysis of some extended N-aminoacyl-l-arginine methyl esters by human plasma kallikrein. Evidence for subsites S2 and S3
Biochem J (1982) 203 (1): 149–153.
Reactions of Adriamycin with haemoglobin. Superoxide dismutase indirectly inhibits reactions of the Adriamycin semiquinone
Biochem J (1982) 203 (1): 155–160.
Structural features of the first component of human complement, C1, as revealed by surface iodination
Biochem J (1982) 203 (1): 185–191.
Solubilization and purification of rat liver 5′-nucleotidase by use of a zwitterionic detergent and a monoclonal-antibody immunoadsorbent
Biochem J (1982) 203 (1): 245–251.
Binding studies of a sialic acid-specific lectin from the horseshoe crab Carcinoscorpius rotunda cauda with various sialoglycoproteins
Biochem J (1982) 203 (1): 253–261.
Studies by electron-paramagnetic-resonance spectroscopy of the molybdenum centre of aldehyde oxidase
Biochem J (1982) 203 (1): 263–267.
Isolation and properties of lysophospholipases from the venom of an Australian elapid snake, Pseudechis australis
Biochem J (1982) 203 (1): 269–276.
Characterization of a cellobiose dehydrogenase in the cellulolytic fungus Sporotrichum (Chrysosporium) thermophile
Biochem J (1982) 203 (1): 277–284.
Isolation and characterization of lipid-protein particles containing platelet factor 3 released from human platelets
Biochem J (1982) 203 (1): 303–311.
Reductive methylation of proteins with sodium cyanoborohydride. Identification, suppression and possible uses of N-cyanomethyl by-products
Biochem J (1982) 203 (1): 331–334.
A novel parameter estimation from the linearized Michaelis-Menten equation at low substrate concentrations
Biochem J (1982) 203 (1): 343–344.
Peptide and Protein Structure
Isolation and partial characterization of wheat-germ-agglutinin-like lectins from rye (Secale cereale) and barley (Hordeum vulgare) embryos
Biochem J (1982) 203 (1): 239–243.
Purification of human C3b inactivator by monoclonal-antibody affinity chromatography
Biochem J (1982) 203 (1): 293–298.
Gene Structure and Function
Enzymes and Enzyme Kinetics
Role of individual phosphorylation sites in inactivation of pyruvate dehydrogenase complex in rat heart mitochondria
Biochem J (1982) 203 (1): 99–108.