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January 1984
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ISSN 0264-6021
EISSN 1470-8728
In this Issue
Research Article
Effects of exogenous amines on mammalian cells, with particular reference to membrane flow
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 27–40.
Purification and properties of glutathione S-transferases from larvae of Wiseana cervinata
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 41–50.
Kinetic studies on a glutathione S-transferase from the larvae of Costelytra zealandica
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 51–58.
Quantitative adsorption of platelet glycoprotein G (thrombin-sensitive protein, thrombospondin) to barium citrate
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 67–71.
The preparation and characterization of vitellogenin messenger RNA from rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri)
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 73–77.
An affinity label for the regulatory dithiol of ribulose-5-phosphate kinase from maize (Zea mays)
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 79–84.
A comparison of isometallothionein synthesis in rat liver after partial hepatectomy and parenteral zinc injection
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 85–92.
Hydrodynamic properties of human cervical-mucus glycoproteins in 6m-guanidinium chloride
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 93–101.
Abnormal type I collagen metabolism by cultured fibroblasts in lethal perinatal osteogenesis imperfecta
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 103–115.
Studies of mammalian ornithine decarboxylase using a monoclonal antibody
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 123–128.
Cyclic GMP phosphodiesterase from bovine retina. Evidence for interspecies conservation
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 129–133.
Chemical reactivity of the functional groups of insulin. Concentration-dependence studies
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 135–143.
Dog pancreatic microsomal-membrane polypeptides analysed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 145–157.
Modification of the interactions of myosin with actin and 5′-adenylyl imidodiphosphate by substitution of ethylene glycol for water
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 169–177.
Studies of the relationship between the catalytic activity and binding of non-substrate ligands by the glutathione S-transferases
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 179–185.
Comparative study on glycosaminoglycans synthesized in peripheral and peritoneal polymorphonuclear leucocytes from guinea pigs
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 199–207.
Domain structure and1H-n.m.r. spectroscopy of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex of Bacillus stearothermophilus
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 219–227.
Isolation and identification of 3-acetylecdysone 2-phosphate, a metabolite of ecdysone, from developing eggs of Schistocerca gregaria
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 239–243.
An improved procedure, involving mass spectrometry, for N-terminal amino acid sequence determination of proteins which are Nα-blocked
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 253–257.
Cell-free translation of messenger RNA for chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan core protein in rat cartilage
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 259–263.
Effects of carbachol and pancreozymin (cholecystokinin-octapeptide) on polyphosphoinositide metabolism in the rat pancreas in vitro
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 281–287.
Intracellular localization and properties of phosphate-dependent glutaminase in rat mesenteric lymph nodes
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 289–296.
Stoichiometry of reactions of α2-macroglobulin with trypsin and chymotrypsin
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 303–308.
Interaction of oestrogen and progesterone receptors with specific subfractions of laying-hen oviduct chromatin
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 309–316.
Nitrogenase from nifV mutants of Klebsiella pneumoniae contains an altered form of the iron-molybdenum cofactor
Biochem J (1984) 217 (1): 317–321.