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January 1931
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ISSN 0006-2936
In this Issue
The metabolism of normal and tumour tissue: A method for the measurement of respiratory quotient in serum
Biochem J (1931) 25 (4): 973–984.
The metabolism of normal and tumour tissue: The respiratory quotient in bicarbonate-media
Biochem J (1931) 25 (4): 985–993.
The isolation of d-3: 5-diiodotyrosine from the thyroid gland by the action of proteolytic enzymes
Biochem J (1931) 25 (4): 1032–1036.
The metabolism of iodobenzene and p-iodophenylmercapturic acid in the rat and the rabbit
Biochem J (1931) 25 (4): 1037–1044.
The ferricyanide method for the determination of reducing sugars: A modification of the Hagedorn-Jensen-Hanes technique
Biochem J (1931) 25 (4): 1051–1061.
The chlorides and inorganic constituents of the serum and cerebrospinal fluid in nephritis and acidosis
Biochem J (1931) 25 (4): 1090–1094.
Studies in the sulphur metabolism of the dog: The metabolism of glutathione compared with that of other cystine derivatives
Biochem J (1931) 25 (4): 1095–1101.
The determination of vitamin A in cod-liver oils (a) biologically, (b) chemically, (c) physically, with a statistical examination of the results
Biochem J (1931) 25 (4): 1102–1120.
The relation of glycosuria to glycaemia and the determination of the renal threshold for glucose
Biochem J (1931) 25 (4): 1128–1146.
A preliminary note on the inorganic sulphate content of the blood with a method for its determination
Biochem J (1931) 25 (4): 1237–1243.
Studies on hemicelluloses: The proximate analysis of box-wood, and the nature of its furfuraldehyde-yielding constituents
Biochem J (1931) 25 (4): 1304–1318.
The antimony trichloride colour test and the ultra-violet absorption of liver oils and concentrates
Biochem J (1931) 25 (4): 1346–1351.
Specificity in tests for vitamin A. A new conception of the chromogenic constituents of fresh and aged liver oils
Biochem J (1931) 25 (4): 1352–1366.
The chemical nature of vitamin B1 from evidence afforded by its electrical transference
Biochem J (1931) 25 (4): 1391–1396.
Carbohydrate metabolism in birds: The effects of rest and exercise upon the lactic acid content of the organs of normal and rice-fed pigeons
Biochem J (1931) 25 (4): 1410–1418.