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November 1992
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ISSN 0264-6021
EISSN 1470-8728
In this Issue
Research Article
Inositol-lipid-specific phospholipase C isoenzymes and their differential regulation by receptors
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 1–14.
Trehalase from male accessory gland of an insect, Tenebrio molitor. cDNA sequencing and developmental profile of the gene expression
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 19–22.
Primary structure and mitochondrial import in vitro of the 20.9 kDa subunit of complex I from Neurospora crassa
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 29–34.
First determination of the secondary structure of purified factor VIII light chain
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 35–40.
Heterogeneity of l-alanine transport systems in brush-border membrane vesicles from rat placenta during late gestation
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 47–53.
CD3 and CD2 antigen-mediated CD3 γ-chain phosphorylation in permeabilized human T cells. Regulation by cytosolic phosphatases
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 69–77.
Involvement of extracellular-matrix-degrading metalloproteinases in rabbit aortic smooth-muscle cell proliferation
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 93–99.
Site-directed mutagenesis at aspartate and glutamate residues of xylanase from Bacillus pumilus
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 117–121.
Mechanisms of activation of Na+/H+ exchange in human osteoblast-like SaOS-2 cells
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 137–143.
Toxic dark effects of protoporphyrin on the cytochrome P-450 system in rat liver microsomes
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 155–159.
Substrate specificity and distribution of UDP-GalNAc:sialylparagloboside N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase in the human stomach
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 161–165.
The binding of amide substrate analogues to phospholipase A2. Studies by 13C-nuclear-magnetic-resonance and infrared spectroscopy
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 167–173.
Translation rates of isolated liver mitochondria under conditions of hepatic mitochondrial proliferation
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 175–180.
Guanine nucleotide is essential and Ca2+ is a modulator in the exocytotic reaction of permeabilized rat mast cells
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 181–187.
Characterization of GLUT3 protein expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 189–193.
Isolation and partial characterization of heparan sulphate proteoglycans from human hepatic amyloid
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 225–231.
Partial purification of a 6-methyladenine mRNA methyltransferase which modifies internal adenine residues
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 233–240.
Regulation of platelet-activating-factor receptors and the desensitization response in polymorphonuclear neutrophils
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 241–248.
Studies on epitopes on low-density lipoprotein modified by 4-hydroxynonenal. Biochemical characterization and determination
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 249–254.
Induction of nitric oxide synthase in L929 cells by tumour-necrosis factor α is prevented by inhibitors of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 255–260.
Properties of a partially purified phosphodimethylethanolamine methyltransferase from rat brain cytosol
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 267–272.
Functional alterations of type I insulin-like growth factor receptor in placenta of diabetic rats
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 273–279.
Immunological detection of degradation intermediates of skeletal-muscle glycogen phosphorylase in vitro and in vivo
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 291–296.
Identification of multifunctional ATP-citrate lyase kinase as the α-isoform of glycogen synthase kinase-3
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 309–314.
Structural comparison between the mitochondrial aralkyl-CoA and arylacetyl-CoA N-acyltransferases
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 315–317.
Effects of insulin and phorbol esters on subcellular distribution of protein kinase C isoforms in rat adipocytes
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 319–323.
Cell surface accessibility of GLUT4 glucose transporters in insulin-stimulated rat adipose cells. Modulation by isoprenaline and adenosine
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 325–330.
Gsα is a substrate for mono(ADP-ribosyl)transferase of NG108-15 cells. ADP-ribosylation regulates Gsα activity and abundance
Biochem J (1992) 288 (1): 331–336.