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July 1993
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ISSN 0264-6021
EISSN 1470-8728
In this Issue
Research Article
Interaction of wild-type signal sequences and their charged variants with model and natural membranes
Biochem J (1993) 293 (1): 43–49.
Sequences of members of the human gene family for the c subunit of mitochondrial ATP synthase
Biochem J (1993) 293 (1): 51–64.
Characterization of the expressed genes for subunit c of mitochondrial ATP synthase in sheep with ceroid lipofuscinosis
Biochem J (1993) 293 (1): 65–73.
The synthesis of inhibitors for processing proteinases and their action on the Kex2 proteinase of yeast
Biochem J (1993) 293 (1): 75–81.
Purification and partial characterization of lipoxygenase with dual catalytic activities from human term placenta
Biochem J (1993) 293 (1): 83–91.
The isolation and identification of 6-hydroxycyclohepta-1,4-dione as a novel intermediate in the bacterial degradation of atropine
Biochem J (1993) 293 (1): 115–118.
Evidence for a transient inhibitory effect of insulin on GLUT2 expression in the liver: studies in vivo and in vitro
Biochem J (1993) 293 (1): 119–124.
Arginine is essential for the α-amylase inhibitory activity of the α-amylase/subtilisin inhibitor (BASI) from barley seeds
Biochem J (1993) 293 (1): 151–155.
Structure of the murine rab3A gene: correlation of genomic organization with antibody epitopes
Biochem J (1993) 293 (1): 157–163.
Characterization of proteoglycans isolated from associative extracts of human articular cartilage
Biochem J (1993) 293 (1): 165–172.
Expression of the liver 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase mRNA in FAO-1 cells
Biochem J (1993) 293 (1): 173–179.
Requirement of the C-terminal proline residue for stability of the Ca2+-activated photoprotein aequorin
Biochem J (1993) 293 (1): 181–185.
Molecular cloning and expression of an intracellular serpin: an elastase inhibitor from horse leucocytes
Biochem J (1993) 293 (1): 187–193.
Mechanism of action of dd-peptidases: role of asparagine-161 in the Streptomyces R61 dd-peptidase
Biochem J (1993) 293 (1): 195–201.
Selective inhibition of mitochondrial 27-hydroxylation of bile acid intermediates and 25-hydroxylation of vitamin D3 by cyclosporin A
Biochem J (1993) 293 (1): 203–206.
Pyrimidine nucleotide metabolism in rat hepatocytes: evidence for compartmentation of nucleotide pools
Biochem J (1993) 293 (1): 207–213.
Rapid purification and direct microassay of calbindin9kDa utilizing its solubility in perchloric acid
Biochem J (1993) 293 (1): 223–227.
Effects of thiols and mercurials on the periplasmic hydrogenase from Desulfovibrio vulgaris (Hildenborough)
Biochem J (1993) 293 (1): 237–241.
Extracellular calcium modulates insulin's action on enzymes controlling cyclic AMP metabolism in intact hepatocytes
Biochem J (1993) 293 (1): 249–253.
Cytosolic phospholipase A2 from human monocytic cells: characterization of substrate specificity and Ca2+-dependent membrane association
Biochem J (1993) 293 (1): 255–261.
An echistatin C-terminal peptide activates GPIIbIIIa binding to fibrinogen, fibronectin, vitronectin and collagen type I and type IV
Biochem J (1993) 293 (1): 263–267.
Purification and characterization of NAD+:ADP-ribosyltransferase (polymerizing) from Dictyostelium discoideum
Biochem J (1993) 293 (1): 275–281.
Cell-cycle-dependent phosphorylation and activity of Chinese-hamster ovary topoisomerase II
Biochem J (1993) 293 (1): 297–304.
Appendix: Evolution of the expressed P2 pseudogene and the origin of the P1 and P2 genes
Biochem J (1993) 293 (1): 71–73.