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September 1939
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ISSN 0006-2936
In this Issue
Seasonal variations in the vitamin A content of certain visceral organs of the Geelbek or Cape salmon (Atractoscion aequidens C. and V.)
Biochem J (1939) 33 (9): 1390–1393.
Vitamin B1 in the animal organism: The maximum storage of vitamin B1 in the various species
Biochem J (1939) 33 (9): 1394–1396.
The fermentation process in tea manufacture: Tea tannin and its fermentation products
Biochem J (1939) 33 (9): 1408–1420.
Urinary output of creatine and creatinine associated with physical exercise, and its relationship to carbohydrate metabolism
Biochem J (1939) 33 (9): 1425–1431.
The V-factor content and oxygen consumption of tissues of the normal and blacktongue dog
Biochem J (1939) 33 (9): 1432–1442.
The pectic substances of plants: The relation between jelly strength, viscosity and composition of various pectins
Biochem J (1939) 33 (9): 1443–1451.
Studies in the biochemistry of micro-organisms: Itaconic acid, a metabolic product of a strain of Aspergillus terreus Thom
Biochem J (1939) 33 (9): 1488–1495.
Observations on the polysaccharide complex present in serum proteins and on the effect of pepsin on serum protein fractions
Biochem J (1939) 33 (9): 1496–1505.
Studies in detoxication: The use of the glucuronic acid detoxication mechanism of the rabbit for the resolution of dl-menthol
Biochem J (1939) 33 (9): 1519–1524.