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September 2023
Cover Image
Cover Image
In this issue Sukhoplyasova and colleagues (pp. 1459–1473) report that Lhs1-dependent substrates share a unique set of features. Their data provide hints as to the identities of as-yet unconfirmed substrates of Lhs1 and potentially of the Lhs1 homolog in mammals, GRP170. The cover image is a structural model of the ENaC transmembrane domains (αENaC purple, βENaC gold and γENaC teal). Space filling models indicate predicted, polar inter-subunit interactions. Image courtesy of Teresa M. Buck.
ISSN 0264-6021
EISSN 1470-8728
In this Issue
Review Articles
Research Articles
Lhs1 dependent ERAD is determined by transmembrane domain context
Maria Sukhoplyasova; Abigail M. Keith; Emma M. Perrault; Hannah E. Vorndran; Alexa S. Jordahl; Megan E. Yates; Ashutosh Pastor; Zachary Li; Michael L. Freaney; Riddhi A. Deshpande; David B. Adams; Christopher J. Guerriero; Shujie Shi; Thomas R. Kleyman; Ossama B. Kashlan; Jeffrey L. Brodsky; Teresa M. Buck
Biochem J (2023) 480 (18): 1459–1473.
Incorporation of inosine into DNA by human polymerase eta (Polη): kinetics of nucleotide misincorporation and structural basis for the mutagenicity
Biochem J (2023) 480 (18): 1479–1483.