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May 1955
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ISSN 0006-2936
In this Issue
Nucleotide exchange reactions catalysed by ribonuclease and spleen phosphodiesterase. 2. Synthesis of polynucleotides
Biochem J (1955) 60 (1): 8–15.
The effects of administering cholesterol and cholesta-3:5-dien-7-one to cockerels
Biochem J (1955) 60 (1): 34–39.
Effects of adrenal corticoids on fatty acid synthesis in mammary gland slices in vitro
Biochem J (1955) 60 (1): 102–108.
The uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation in rat-liver mitochondria by thyroxine, triiodothyronine and related substances
Biochem J (1955) 60 (1): 122–128.
The mechanism of itaconic acid formation by Aspergillus terreus. 1. The effect of acidity
Biochem J (1955) 60 (1): 135–139.
The mechanism of itaconic acid formation by Aspergillus terreus. 2. The effect of substrates and inhibitors
Biochem J (1955) 60 (1): 139–147.
Biosynthesis of fatty acids in cell-free preparations. 3. Coenzyme A dependent reactions in a soluble enzyme system of mammary gland
Biochem J (1955) 60 (1): 155–165.