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Biochem J (2021) 478 (5): 1061–1083.
Published: 10 March 2021
... environment to the cell interior, and vice versa. During development, mitosis and repair, cell adhesions must undergo extensive remodelling. Post-translational modifications of proteins within these complexes serve as switches for activity. Tyrosine phosphorylation is an important modification in cell...
Includes: Supplementary data
In Collection
Biochem J (2019) 476 (4): 705–718.
Published: 28 February 2019
... © 2019 The Author(s) 2019 This is an open access article published by Portland Press Limited on behalf of the Biochemical Society and distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND) . cell adhesion cell migration cytoskeleton integrins signalling...
Biochem J (2017) 474 (12): 1965–1979.
Published: 25 May 2017
... therefore contribute to cell adhesion, notably to the ECM and migration. Recent data now suggest that syndecans can regulate stretch-activated ion channels. The structure and function of the syndecans and the ion channels are reviewed here, along with an analysis of ion channel functions in cell–matrix...
Biochem J (2016) 473 (18): 2691–2715.
Published: 12 September 2016
...Kiyohito Mizutani; Yoshimi Takai Nectins are Ca 2+ -independent immunoglobulin (Ig) superfamily cell adhesion molecules constituting a family with four members, all of which have three Ig-like loops at their extracellular regions. Nectins play roles in the formation of a variety of cell–cell...
Biochem J (2016) 473 (9): 1153–1164.
Published: 26 April 2016
... of PRELP has a high content of proline and positively charged amino acids. This domain has previously been shown to bind chondrocytes and to inhibit osteoclast differentiation. In the present study, we show that PRELP mediates cell adhesion by binding to cell-surface glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Thus, rat...
Biochem J (2011) 436 (3): 699–708.
Published: 27 May 2011
...Emmanuel Collec; Marie-Christine Lecomte; Wassim El Nemer; Yves Colin; Caroline Le Van Kim Lu/BCAM (Lutheran/basal cell-adhesion molecule) is a laminin 511/521 receptor expressed in erythroid and endothelial cells, and in epithelial tissues. The RK573–574 (Arg 573 -Lys 574 ) motif of the Lu/BCAM...
Includes: Supplementary data
Biochem J (2011) 433 (1): 215–223.
Published: 15 December 2010
...) for 30 min at 4 °C. 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed (email [email protected] ). 14 6 2010 5 10 2010 6 10 2010 6 10 2010 © The Authors Journal compilation © 2011 Biochemical Society 2011 cell adhesion cell rounding ephrin heparan sulfate...
Biochem J (2010) 429 (3): 419–433.
Published: 14 July 2010
... 2010 17 5 2010 1 6 2010 © The Authors Journal compilation © 2010 Biochemical Society 2010 cell adhesion desmosome hyperadhesion pemphigus tissue development tissue remodelling Desmosomes are intercellular junctions whose primary function is strong adhesion, providing...
Biochem J (2008) 411 (3): 507–514.
Published: 14 April 2008
...Glynis Johnson; Chrisna Swart; Samuel W. Moore Although the primary function of AChE (acetylcholinesterase) is the synaptic hydrolysis of acetylcholine, it appears that the protein is also able to promote various non-cholinergic activities, including cell adhesion, neurite outgrowth and amyloidosis...
Biochem J (2006) 395 (3): 579–586.
Published: 11 April 2006
... II domain and eight to ten domains related to C-type carbohydrate-recognition domains. The mannose receptor acts as a molecular scavenger, clearing harmful glycoconjugates or micro-organisms through recognition of their defining carbohydrate structures. Cell-adhesion assays, as well as collagen...
Biochem J (2005) 391 (2): 359–370.
Published: 10 October 2005
... of GSK3 in cell adhesion, and most of the studies involved β-catenin phosphorylation by GSK3, an essential event in cadherin-based cell–cell interactions [ 13 ]. Several years ago, we detected PP1δ in focal adhesions [ 14 , 15 ], which are multimolecular structures of contact between the cytoskeleton...
Biochem J (2005) 387 (1): 101–108.
Published: 22 March 2005
... by the integrin α4β1. The present study characterizes the integrin binding properties of the disintegrin-like domains of human ADAM7, ADAM28 and ADAM33 with the integrins α4β1, α4β7 and α9β1. Cell-adhesion assays demonstrated that, similar to ADAM28, the ADAM7 disintegrin domain supported α4β1-dependent Jurkat...
Biochem J (2002) 365 (1): 287–294.
Published: 01 July 2002
... of integrin-specific modules. 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed (e-mail [email protected] ). 10 1 2002 8 3 2002 18 4 2002 The Biochemical Society, London ©2002 2002 cell adhesion integrin platelet phage display type III repeat Abbreviations used...
Biochem J (2002) 363 (2): 201–209.
Published: 08 April 2002
... and morphogenesis. We document here the involvement of syndecan-2 acting alone or co-operatively with integrin α5β1, for regulation of actin-cytoskeletal organization on cell adhesion to fibronectin, using fibronectin-recombinant polypeptides containing the ligands for either or both of these receptors as substrata...
Biochem J (2002) 363 (2): 233–242.
Published: 08 April 2002
... cell adhesion cell cycle parvin phosphorylation Abbreviations used: ECM, extracellular matrix; ILK, integrin-linked kinase; CH, calponin homology; CH-ILKBP, CH domain-containing ILK-binding protein; GST, glutathione S-transferase; NP-40, Nonidet P-40; CIAP, calf intestinal alkaline...
Biochem J (2002) 362 (2): 317–327.
Published: 22 February 2002
...Shabih-e-Hassnain SYED; Brian TRINNAMAN; Stephen MARTIN; Sarah MAJOR; Jon HUTCHINSON; Anthony I. MAGEE Desmocollins (Dscs) and desmogleins (Dsgs) are cell-adhesion molecules involved in the formation of desmosome cell—cell junctions and share structural similarities to classical cadherins such as E...
Biochem J (2001) 360 (3): 531–538.
Published: 10 December 2001
... leucocytes and haematopoietic progenitor cells. 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed (e-mail [email protected] ). 18 10 2001 1 11 2001 The Biochemical Society, London ©2001 2001 cell adhesion CD34 myeloid leucocytes P-selectin glycoprotein ligand 1 (PSGL-1...
Biochem J (2001) 358 (2): 407–414.
Published: 24 August 2001
... ©2001 2001 adhesion-associated protein tyrosine kinase cell adhesion mitosis protein phosphorylation serine/threonine phosphatase type 1 Abbreviations used: cdc2, cell division control kinase-2; DMEM, Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium; FA, focal adhesion; FAK, focal adhesion...
Biochem J (2001) 357 (2): 353–361.
Published: 09 July 2001
... involved in cell adhesion, the function of the cytoplasmic tail of ADAM 12 has been less clear. Here we show that the cytoplasmic domain of ADAM 12 interacts in vitro and in vivo with α-actinin-1, an actin-binding and cross-linking protein. Green fluorescent protein fused to ADAM 12 cytoplasmic domain co...
Biochem J (2001) 356 (2): 581–588.
Published: 24 May 2001
.... Together, our data show that the human neuroligin family is composed of at least one additional member, and suggest that neuroligin 4 may also be produced outside the central nervous system. cell adhesion expressed sequence tag sequences PDZ domain synapse Abbreviations used: EST, expressed...
Biochem J (2001) 356 (1): 11–17.
Published: 08 May 2001
... the RCD motif was approx. 2–6-fold less potent compared with either RGD or RYD. These findings show that the selectivity of dendroaspin binding to β 1 and β 3 integrins can be modulated by the introduction of alternative cell recognition sequences. cell adhesion disintegrin platelet aggregation...