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Biochem J (2024) 481 (22): 1639–1655.
Published: 08 November 2024
...Sergiu A. Lucaciu; Dale W. Laird Erythrokeratodermia variabilis et progressiva (EKVP) is a rare hereditary skin disorder characterized by hyperkeratotic plaques and erythematous patches that progressively worsen with age. This disorder has been associated with variants in three connexin encoding...
Biochem J (2015) 466 (3): 571–585.
Published: 06 March 2015
... for the development and maintenance of normal cellular functions. Connexin mutations and/or aberrant GJIC have been observed in a number of human diseases, including Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease [ 2 ], oculodentodigital dysplasia [ 3 ], Clouston syndrome or keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome [ 4 ], congenital lens...
Includes: Supplementary data
Biochem J (2014) 458 (1): 57–67.
Published: 20 January 2014
...Vivian Su; Christina Hoang; Dirk Geerts; Alan F. Lau Gap junctions are intercellular channels that comprise connexin proteins such as Cx43 (connexin43). The level of gap junctional intercellular communication can be regulated by Cx43 turnover mediated through various degradation pathways. The UbL...
Biochem J (2011) 438 (2): 245–254.
Published: 12 August 2011
...Claire A. Scott; David P. Kelsell Cx (connexin) proteins are components of gap junctions which are aqueous pores that allow intercellular exchange of ions and small molecules. Mutations in Cx genes are linked to a range of human disorders. In the present review we discuss mutations in β-Cx genes...
Biochem J (2009) 424 (3): 385–398.
Published: 10 December 2009
... of the Tet-On connexin expression system were from BD Biosciences. DMEM (Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium), G418 sulfate, hygromycin and doxycycline were from Life Technologies. Agarose-conjugated anti-HA (haemagglutinin) clone HA-7 mouse IgG was from Sigma, as were other reagents unless stated. Talon...
Biochem J (2009) 419 (2): 261–272.
Published: 27 March 2009
...Joell L. Solan; Paul D. Lampe Vertebrate gap junctions, composed of proteins from the connexin gene family, play critical roles in embryonic development, co-ordinated contraction of excitable cells, tissue homoeostasis, normal cell growth and differentiation. Phosphorylation of connexin43, the most...
Includes: Multimedia, Supplementary data
Biochem J (2006) 394 (3): 527–543.
Published: 24 February 2006
...Dale W. Laird Evaluation of the human genome suggests that all members of the connexin family of gap-junction proteins have now been successfully identified. This large and diverse family of proteins facilitates a number of vital cellular functions coupled with their roles, which range from...