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Keywords: heparan sulphate
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Biochem J (2005) 390 (2): 493–499.
Published: 23 August 2005
...Giancarlo Ghiselli; Amit Agrawal Heparan sulphate (HS) is a ubiquitous constituent of the extracellular matrix that is required for the biological activity of circulating soluble and insoluble extracellular ligands. GLCE ( D -glucuronyl C5-epimerase), an enzyme responsible for the epimerization...
Biochem J (2004) 377 (2): 533–538.
Published: 15 January 2004
...-regulated by this inflammatory stimulus. By immunoprecipitation using an anti-syndecan-2 antibody on TNF-α-stimulated HUVEC lysates, inflammation-induced interleukin-8 was found to be an interaction partner of this HS (heparan sulphate) proteoglycan, but not of any other syndecan on these cells...
Biochem J (2002) 366 (2): 481–490.
Published: 01 September 2002
... transcription and translation yielded a product of 30kDa. Western blotting of chicken embryonic fibroblast cell lysates with species-specific monoclonal antibody mAb 8.1 showed that chicken syndecan-2 is substituted with heparan sulphate, and that the major form of chicken syndecan-2 isolated from chicken...
Biochem J (2001) 358 (3): 737–745.
Published: 10 September 2001
...Simi ALI; Adrian C. V. PALMER; Sarah J. FRITCHLEY; Yvonne MALEY; John A. KIRBY Chemokines interact with specific G-protein-coupled cell-surface receptors and with glycosaminoglycans (GAGs), such as heparan sulphate. Although chemokines often form multimers in solution, this process may be enhanced...
Biochem J (2001) 355 (2): 517–527.
Published: 06 April 2001
... transformed counterpart (RT101). Expression of perlecan in tumorigenic cells was significantly increased in both mRNA and protein levels. JB6 perlecan was exclusively substituted with heparan sulphate, whereas that of RT101 contained some additional chondroitin sulphate. Detailed structural analysis...
Biochem J (2000) 345 (1): 107–113.
Published: 17 December 1999
...Michal SAFRAN; Miriam EISENSTEIN; David AVIEZER; Avner YAYON The biological response of cells to fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) depends on heparan sulphate glycosaminoglycans sharing particular structural motifs. Heparin induced FGF dimerization has been suggested to mediate receptor dimerization...
Biochem J (1999) 343 (3): 663–668.
Published: 25 October 1999
...Karen P. SCHOFIELD; John T. GALLAGHER; Guido DAVID Heparan sulphate proteoglycans (HSPGs) present on the surface of bone marrow stromal cells and in the extracellular matrix (ECM) have important roles in the control of adhesion and growth of haemopoietic stem and progenitor cells. The two main...
Biochem J (1999) 342 (2): 361–368.
Published: 24 August 1999
... heparanase, which cleaves heparan sulphate (HS), an important structural component of the vascular BL. Previously, tumour-derived heparanase activity (which has been shown to be related to the metastatic potential of murine and human melanoma cell lines) was reported to cleave HS and be inhibited by heparin...
Biochem J (1999) 340 (3): 613–620.
Published: 08 June 1999
... a molecular mass of 1.1×10 6 Da, and EM demonstrated that it had a globular-protein core structure. The core protein, which showed immunological reactivity with perlecan antibodies, was substituted with approximately seven heparan sulphate (HS) and CS chains of similar size (50-55 kDa), the CS disaccharides...
Biochem J (1999) 338 (2): 317–323.
Published: 22 February 1999
...Mattias BELTING; Susanne PERSSON; Lars-Åke FRANSSON We have evaluated the possible role of proteoglycans in the uptake of spermine by human lung fibroblasts. Exogenous glycosaminoglycans behaved as competitive inhibitors of spermine uptake, the most efficient being heparan sulphate ( K i = 0.16...