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Keywords: ischaemia/reperfusion
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Biochem J (2007) 405 (3): 407–415.
Published: 13 July 2007
... of myocardial cells during I/R (ischaemia/reperfusion). Bnip3 exerts its action at the mitochondria, but the mechanism by which Bnip3 mediates mitochondrial dysfunction is not clear. In the present study, we have identified Bax and Bak as downstream effectors of Bnip3-mediated mitochondrial dysfunction. Bnip3...
Biochem J (2002) 362 (2): 507–512.
Published: 22 February 2002
... was present as ascorbate (determined by HPLC) in cells in Na + -free buffer than in those in Na + -containing buffer. This inability to obtain ascorbate from extracellular DHAA may be detrimental to the coronary artery under hypoxia-induced acidosis during ischaemia/reperfusion. 1 To whom correspondence...