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Keywords: yeast
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Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2021) 478 (2): 357–375.
Published: 27 January 2021
...Zhiqiang Zhang; Ines Cottignie; Griet Van Zeebroeck; Johan M. Thevelein Multiple starvation-induced, high-affinity nutrient transporters in yeast function as receptors for activation of the protein kinase A (PKA) pathway upon re-addition of their substrate. We now show that these transceptors may...
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Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2017) 474 (2): 195–214.
Published: 06 January 2017
... architecture of pre-ribosomes. Here, we describe principles of ribosome assembly that have emerged from recent studies of biogenesis of the large ribosomal subunit in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae . We describe tools that have empowered investigations of ribosome biogenesis, and then summarize recent...
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2016) 473 (19): 3001–3012.
Published: 27 September 2016
...), and the resulting solution was incubated at 37°C overnight (with or without 0.4 mU PNGase F). ERAD IGOT PNGase yeast Proteins that go through the secretory pathway in eukaryotes are translocated into the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) upon their synthesis. In the ER, newly synthesized...
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Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2016) 473 (16): 2463–2469.
Published: 11 August 2016
..., and has emerged as a new methodology for proteomic analysis. Despite these advantages, a related APEX2 approach has not been developed for yeast. Here we report methods to enable APEX2-mediated biotin labelling in yeast. Our work demonstrated that high osmolarity and disruption of cell wall integrity...
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Tsan-Yu Chiu, Jeemeng Lao, Bianca Manalansan, Dominique Loqué, Stanley J. Roux, Joshua L. Heazlewood
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2015) 472 (1): 43–54.
Published: 30 October 2015
... by complementing a yeast double mutant (Δ ynd1 Δ gda1 ) which lacks apyrase activity. Interestingly, complementation of the mutant yeast using well characterized human apyrases could only be accomplished by using a functional ER endo-apyrase (NTPDase6), but not the ecto-apyrase (NTPDase1). Furthermore...
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Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2015) 468 (1): 33–47.
Published: 05 May 2015
...Jofre Ferrer-Dalmau; Francisca Randez-Gil; Maribel Marquina; José A. Prieto; Antonio Casamayor Glc7 is the only catalytic subunit of the protein phosphatase type 1 in the yeast S. cerevisiae and, together with its regulatory subunits, is involved in many essential processes. Analysis of the non...
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Hong-Tao Li, Ting Gong, Zhen Zhou, Yu-Ting Liu, Xiongwen Cao, Yongning He, Charlie Degui Chen, Jin-Qiu Zhou
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2015) 467 (3): 507–515.
Published: 17 April 2015
...Hong-Tao Li; Ting Gong; Zhen Zhou; Yu-Ting Liu; Xiongwen Cao; Yongning He; Charlie Degui Chen; Jin-Qiu Zhou The yeast protein methyltransferase Hmt1 can methylate histone H3 arginine 2. The intermolecular trans interaction of Hmt1 is essential for its activity. Our data suggest an intermolecular...
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2014) 463 (2): 239–248.
Published: 22 September 2014
... is a viable alternative. In the present study, a cDNA encoding (−)-α-bisabolol synthase ( MrBBS ) was identified from chamomile and used for enantioselective (−)-α-bisabolol synthesis in yeast. Chamomile MrBBS was identified by Illumina and 454 sequencing, followed by activity screening in yeast. When MrBBS...
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Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2014) 460 (1): 79–92.
Published: 25 April 2014
... of the MCF (mitochondrial carrier family), through an unknown mechanism. In the present study, the yeast homologues of these proteins, Mrs3p (mitochondrial RNA splicing 3) and Mrs4p, were studied by inserting them into liposomes. In this context, they could transport Fe 2+ across the proteoliposome membrane...
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Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2014) 458 (3): 459–467.
Published: 28 February 2014
... discovered that yeast lacking a conserved Cdc48 cofactor, Vms1 [VCP (valosin-containing protein)/Cdc48-associated mitochondrial stress-responsive], accumulate proteasome-targeted ubiquitinated proteins. Vms1 mutant cells also contain elevated levels of unassembled 20S proteasome core particles and select 19S...
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Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2014) 458 (2): 239–249.
Published: 14 February 2014
..., 1919 Route de Mende, 34293 Montpellier, France. cell viability essential serine hydrogen bond reversal of Tor2 lethality 1 (Rot1) transmembrane polar residues yeast 2 Correspondence may be addressed to either of these authors ( [email protected] or [email protected]...
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Emeline Fabre, Ghenima Sfihi-Loualia, Marilyne Pourcelot, Bernadette Coddeville, Frédéric Krzewinski, Julie Bouckaert, Emmanuel Maes, Thomas Hurtaux, Romaric Dubois, Chantal Fradin, Jean-Maurice Mallet, Daniel Poulain, Florence Delplace, Yann Guerardel
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2014) 457 (2): 347–360.
Published: 20 December 2013
... walls confers specific features on the pathogenic yeasts Candida albicans and Candida glabrata compared with non-pathogenic yeasts. In the present study, we investigated the enzymatic properties of Bmt1 (β-mannosyltransferase 1), a member of the recently identified β-mannosyltransferase family, from C...
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Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2013) 454 (3): 427–435.
Published: 29 August 2013
... in Swf1, the yeast PAT responsible for the palmitoylation of SNARE (soluble N -ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein-attachment protein receptor) proteins. We identified 21 novel loss-of-function mutations, which are mostly localized within the DHHC-CRD. Modelling of the tertiary structure of the Swf1...
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Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2013) 454 (3): 525–532.
Published: 29 August 2013
...Rito Herrera; María C. Álvarez; Samuel Gelis; José Ramos Living cells accumulate potassium (K + ) to fulfil multiple functions. It is well documented that the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae grows at very different concentrations of external alkali cations and keeps high and low intracellular...
Joana Sá-Pessoa, Sandra Paiva, David Ribas, Inês Jesus Silva, Sandra Cristina Viegas, Cecília Maria Arraiano, Margarida Casal
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2013) 454 (3): 585–595.
Published: 29 August 2013
... 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed (email [email protected] ). 20 3 2013 3 7 2013 11 7 2013 11 7 2013 © The Authors Journal compilation © 2013 Biochemical Society 2013 acetate bacteria succinate YaaH transport family yeast The acetate...
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Metabolic phenotypes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants with altered trehalose 6-phosphate dynamics
Thomas Walther, Narjes Mtimet, Ceren Alkim, Amélie Vax, Marie-Odile Loret, Azmat Ullah, Carlos Gancedo, Gertien J. Smits, Jean Marie François
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2013) 454 (2): 227–237.
Published: 09 August 2013
... for 10 min, washed and suspended in phosphate/citrate buffers at a range of pH values between 5.0 and 8.5. Table 1 List of yeast strains used in the present study Strain Relevant genotype Reference Wild-type CEN.PK133-5D Mat a ura3-52 [ 11 ] JF1469 Mat α ura3-52...
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Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2013) 452 (3): 489–497.
Published: 31 May 2013
...Clara Bermejo; Farzad Haerizadeh; Mayuri S. C. Sadoine; Diane Chermak; Wolf B. Frommer Successful colonization and survival in variable environments require a competitive advantage during the initial growth phase after experiencing nutrient changes. Starved yeast cells anticipate exposure...
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Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2012) 448 (2): 171–187.
Published: 07 November 2012
... (0.5%) in raffinose-based medium (6.7 g/l yeast nitrogen base without amino acids, 2 g/l complete medium supplements minus uracil, and 2% raffinose). For depletion of Isd11p, cells were shifted to the same raffinose-based medium without galactose and grown at 30°C for different time periods. Cultures...
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Isaac Córcoles-Sáez, Lídia Ballester-Tomas, Maria A. de la Torre-Ruiz, Jose A. Prieto, Francisca Randez-Gil
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2012) 446 (3): 477–488.
Published: 28 August 2012
...Isaac Córcoles-Sáez; Lídia Ballester-Tomas; Maria A. de la Torre-Ruiz; Jose A. Prieto; Francisca Randez-Gil Unlike other stresses, the physiological significance and molecular mechanisms involved in the yeast cold response are largely unknown. In the present study, we show that the CWI (cell wall...
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Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2012) 446 (1): 59–67.
Published: 27 July 2012
... lateral sclerosis), this disulfide bond is more susceptible to chemical reduction, which may lead to destabilization of the dimer and aggregation. During hSOD1 maturation, disulfide formation is catalysed by CCS1 (copper chaperone for SOD1). Previous studies in yeast demonstrate that the yeast GSH/Grx...
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Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2012) 444 (2): 199–204.
Published: 11 May 2012
...Brigitte Meunier; Amandine Maréchal; Peter R. Rich Yeast C c O (cytochrome c oxidase) has been developed as a facile system for the production and analysis of mutants of a mitochondrial form of C c O for mechanistic studies. First, a 6H tag (His 6 tag) was fused to the C-terminus of a nuclear...
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Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2012) 444 (1): 39–49.
Published: 26 April 2012
... allows phosphorylation of Rgt1 and their eviction from the target promoters, thus releasing its repressive effect. gene expression glucose starvation Snf1 stress tolerance yeast Fermentation of sugars, preferably glucose, is the favoured energy source for budding yeast. When glucose...
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Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2012) 441 (3): 945–953.
Published: 16 January 2012
... stress, little is known about the regulation of their pools in frataxin-deficient cells. We showed previously that the NADPH/NADP + ratio was considerably lower in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae frataxin-deficient mutant (Δ yfh1 ) compared with wild-type, which, in addition to the disturbed...
Alejandro Martín-Montalvo, Isabel González-Mariscal, Sergio Padilla, Manuel Ballesteros, David L. Brautigan, Plácido Navas, Carlos Santos-Ocaña
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2011) 440 (1): 107–114.
Published: 27 October 2011
...Alejandro Martín-Montalvo; Isabel González-Mariscal; Sergio Padilla; Manuel Ballesteros; David L. Brautigan; Plácido Navas; Carlos Santos-Ocaña CoQ 6 (coenzyme Q 6 ) biosynthesis in yeast is a well-regulated process that requires the final conversion of the late intermediate DMQ 6 (demethoxy-CoQ 6...
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Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2011) 438 (2): 275–282.
Published: 12 August 2011
... Gas family proteins from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae . All the Gas enzymes specifically used laminarin as the glucanosyl donor and a SR–LamOS of DP (degree of polymerization) ≥5 as the acceptors. Gas proteins expressed in distinct stages of the yeast life cycle showed differences in their pH...
In vivo biochemistry: quantifying ion and metabolite levels in individual cells or cultures of yeast
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2011) 438 (1): 1–10.
Published: 27 July 2011
... and metabolites in populations of yeast cells as well as in individual yeast cells with the help of quantitative fluorescent indicators, namely FRET metabolite sensors. We discuss the opportunities and potential pitfalls and the controls that help preclude misinterpretation. FRET sensors can be used to quantify...
Domina Falcone, Matthew P. Henderson, Hendrik Nieuwland, Christine M. Coughlan, Jeffrey L. Brodsky, David W. Andrews
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2011) 436 (2): 291–303.
Published: 13 May 2011
... the function of the tail anchor of Sss1p, we introduced mutations into the tail-anchor sequence and analysed the resulting yeast phenotypes. Point mutations in the C-terminal hydrophobic core of the tail anchor of Sss1p were identified that allowed Sss1p assembly into Sec61 complexes, but resulted...
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Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2011) 434 (1): 143–151.
Published: 27 January 2011
... 2010 © The Authors Journal compilation © 2011 Biochemical Society 2011 amyloid mutant protein folding sequence permutation Ure2p yeast Ure2 is the protein determinant of the non-chromosomal genetic element [ URE3 ] in Saccharomyces cerevisiae [ 1 ]. Analogous...
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2010) 432 (1): 181–190.
Published: 25 October 2010
... . Analysis of this mutant demonstrated that these domains play an essential role in the catalytic activity of yeast Hxk2, but has no effect on the regulatory function of this protein. In the second, we analysed whether amino acids from Lys 6 to Met 15 of Hxk2 (Hxk2 wrf ) are essential for the regulatory role...
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2009) 424 (2): 297–306.
Published: 11 November 2009
...Aleksandra Swida-Barteczka; Andrzej Woyda-Ploszczyca; Francis E. Sluse; Wieslawa Jarmuszkiewicz We studied non-esterified fatty acid-induced uncoupling of heterologously expressed rat UCP1 (uncoupling protein 1) in yeast mitochondria, as well as UCP1 in rat BAT (brown adipose tissue) mitochondria...
Huilan Lin, Damali Burton, Liangtao Li, David E. Warner, John D. Phillips, Diane McVey Ward, Jerry KAPLAN
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2009) 422 (2): 273–283.
Published: 13 August 2009
...+ , Co 2+ , Fe 2+ , Cd 2+ , Ni 2+ and Mn 2+ ; however, no single transporter transports all metals. Previously we showed that a single amino acid mutation in the yeast vacuolar zinc transporter Zrc1 changed its substrate specificity from Zn 2+ to Fe 2+ and Mn 2+ [Lin, Kumanovics, Nelson, Warner, Ward...
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2009) 419 (2): 301–308.
Published: 27 March 2009
... and substrate specificity. There is very little additional information on the structure–function relationship of PATs. Swf1 and Pfa3 are yeast members of the DHHC family of proteins. Swf1 is responsible for the S-acylation of several transmembrane SNAREs (soluble N -ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein...
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Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2009) 417 (1): 331–342.
Published: 12 December 2008
... analysed the activity, regulation and phenotypic effects of mammalian MAPKs in yeast. Unexpectedly, all mammalian MAPKs tested were spontaneously phosphorylated in yeast. JNKs (c-Jun N-terminal kinases) lost their phosphorylation in pbs2 Δ cells, but p38s and ERKs (extracellular-signal-regulated kinases...
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Yulia Ilina, Ewa Sloma, Ewa Maciaszczyk-Dziubinska, Marian Novotny, Michael Thorsen, Robert Wysocki, Markus J. Tamás
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2008) 415 (3): 467–475.
Published: 15 October 2008
... expression of ACR2 and ACR3 . We conclude that Yap8p and other yeast AP-1 proteins require distinct DNA-binding motifs to induce gene expression and propose that this fact contributed towards a separation of function between AP-1 proteins during evolution. 1 These authors contributed equally...
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Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2008) 412 (1): 73–80.
Published: 25 April 2008
...Eleanor W. Trotter; Jonathan D. Rand; Jill Vickerstaff; Chris M. Grant The yeast Tsa1 peroxiredoxin, like other 2-Cys peroxiredoxins, has dual activities as a peroxidase and as a molecular chaperone. Its peroxidase function predominates in lower-molecular-mass forms, whereas a super-chaperone form...
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2007) 408 (3): 387–393.
Published: 28 November 2007
... . The interaction of Imp4p to telomeres in vivo was also demonstrated by chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments. Significantly, the binding of Imp4p to telomeres was not limited to yeast proteins, since the hImp4 (human Imp4) also bound to vertebrate single-stranded telomeric DNA. Thus we conclude that Imp4p...
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2007) 405 (3): 541–545.
Published: 13 July 2007
... oligomerization in vitro and that these same polyamine analogues rapidly block yeast cell growth. 1 To whom correspondence should be addressed (email [email protected] ). 1 9 2006 11 4 2007 12 4 2007 12 4 2007 © 2007 Biochemical Society 2007 chromatin...
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2007) 405 (3): 569–581.
Published: 13 July 2007
... if phosphorylation regulates Cdc34 function. We mapped the in vivo phosphorylation sites on budding yeast Cdc34 (yCdc34; Ser 207 and Ser 216 ) and human Cdc34 (hCdc34 Ser 203 , Ser 222 and Ser 231 ) to serine residues in the acidic tail domain, a region that is critical for Cdc34's cell cycle function. CK2 (protein...
Masaki Makise, Naoko Takahashi, Kazuya Matsuda, Fumiko Yamairi, Keitarou Suzuki, Tomofusa Tsuchiya, Tohru Mizushima
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2007) 402 (2): 397–403.
Published: 12 February 2007
... of a proteasome inhibitor, or introduction of a mutation of either tan1 - 1 or nob1 - 4 that inhibits proteasomes, prevented ORC degradation. Introduction of the tan1 - 1 mutation restored cell cycle progression, suggesting that the defect was due to ORC degradation by proteasomes. Yeast two-hybrid and co...
Jianhe Huang, Daisheng Song, Adrian Flores, Quan Zhao, Sharon M. Mooney, Leslie M. Shaw, Frank S. Lee
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2007) 401 (1): 341–352.
Published: 11 December 2006
... 2006 The Biochemical Society, London 2007 hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) iron-only hydrogenase-like protein 1 (IOP1) nuclear prelamin A recognition factor (Narf) proline hydroxylase domain-containing protein (PHD) yeast The transcription factor HIF (hypoxia inducible factor...
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Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2006) 400 (1): 163–168.
Published: 27 October 2006
... matrix is involved in organellar iron homoeostasis. A mutant of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae lacking the mitochondrial GTP/GDP carrier protein (Ggc1p) exhibits decreased levels of matrix GTP and increased levels of matrix GDP [Vozza, Blanco, Palmieri and Palmieri (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279 , 20850–20857...
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2006) 398 (3): 585–593.
Published: 29 August 2006
... site, is most likely embedded in the membrane. We also present evidence that histidine and aspartic acid residues in the Lag motif are essential for the function of Lag1p in vivo . The Biochemical Society, London 2006 ceramide synthase LAG1 sphinganine sphingolipid topology yeast...
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2006) 397 (2): 247–259.
Published: 28 June 2006
..., the major CSP expressed in Escherichia coli upon temperature downshift. More recently, a number of reports have shown that exposing yeast or mammalian cells to sub-physiological temperatures (<30 or <37 °C respectively) invokes a co-ordinated cellular response involving modulation of transcription...
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2006) 396 (1): 117–126.
Published: 26 April 2006
...Paula Portela; Silvia Moreno; Silvia Rossi Pyk1 (pyruvate kinase 1) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae was characterized as a substrate for PKA (protein kinase A) from bovine heart and yeast. By designing Pyk1 synthetic peptides containing potential PKA sequence targets (Ser 22 , Thr 94 and Thr 478 ) we...
Arun Kumar, Lijo John, Md. Mahmood Alam, Ankit Gupta, Gayatri Sharma, Beena Pillai, Shantanu Sengupta
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2006) 396 (1): 61–69.
Published: 26 April 2006
... in many diseased states; for instance, elevated levels of homocysteine are considered to be an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Yeast has proved to be an excellent model system for studying many human diseases since it carries homologues of nearly 40% of human disease genes and many...
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Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2005) 390 (3): 703–708.
Published: 05 September 2005
...Susannah Horan; Ingrid Bourges; Jan-Willem Taanman; Brigitte Meunier Cytochrome oxidase catalyses the reduction of oxygen to water. The mitochondrial enzyme contains up to 13 subunits, 11 in yeast, of which three, Cox1p, Cox2p and Cox3p, are mitochondrially encoded. The assembly pathway...
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2005) 390 (1): 145–155.
Published: 09 August 2005
... . The subcellular localization and functional expression of biologically active Gup1–GFP chimaeras was monitored by confocal laser scanning and electron microscopy, thus supplying the first study of GUP1 dynamics in live yeast cells. The Gup1p tagged with GFP is a functional glycerol transporter localized...
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2005) 388 (3): 843–849.
Published: 07 June 2005
... transcriptional repressor yeast Micro-organisms, in their natural habitat, encounter growth media consisting of fermentable and non-fermentable carbon sources, of which cells prefer glucose to the exclusion of others [ 1 – 4 ]. Micro-organisms have evolved a hierarchical utilization system for various...
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Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2005) 388 (2): 669–677.
Published: 24 May 2005
... derivatization method for metabolome analysis of yeast, coupled to data-mining software that achieve comparable throughput, effort and cost compared with DNA arrays. Our sample workup method enables simultaneous metabolite measurements throughout central carbon metabolism and amino acid biosynthesis, using...
Biochemical Journal
Biochem J (2005) 388 (1): 93–101.
Published: 10 May 2005
...Caryn E. OUTTEN; Robert L. FALK; Valeria C. CULOTTA Prolonged exposure to hyperoxia represents a serious danger to cells, yet little is known about the specific cellular factors that affect hyperoxia stress. By screening the yeast deletion library, we have identified genes that protect against high...
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