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September 2003
Issue Editors
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ISSN 0067-8694
EISSN 1744-1439
Proteases and the Regulation of Biological Processes
Papain-like lysosomal cysteine proteases and their inhibitors: drug discovery targets?
Biochem Soc Symp (2003) 70: 15–30.
Substrate specificity and inducibility of TACE (tumour necrosis factor α-converting enzyme) revisited: the Ala-Val preference, and induced intrinsic activity
Roy A. Black; John R. Doedens; Rajeev Mahimkar; Richard Johnson; Lin Guo; Alison Wallace; Duke Virca; June Eisenman; Jennifer Slack; Beverly Castner; Susan W. Sunnarborg; David C. Lee; Rebecca Cowling; Guixian Jin; Keith Charrier; Jacques J. Peschon; Ray Paxton
Biochem Soc Symp (2003) 70: 39–52.
Meprin proteolytic complexes at the cell surface and in extracellular spaces
Biochem Soc Symp (2003) 70: 53–63.
Collagen-platelet interactions: recognition and signalling
Richard W. Farndale; Pia R. Siljander; David J. Onley; Pavithra Sundaresan; C. Graham Knight; Michael J. Barnes
Biochem Soc Symp (2003) 70: 81–94.
Use of anti-neoepitope antibodies for the analysis of degradative events in cartilage and the molecular basis for neoepitope specificity
Biochem Soc Symp (2003) 70: 107–114.
Proteolysis of the collagen fibril in osteoarthritis
A Robin Poole; Fred Nelson; Leif Dahlberg; Elena Tchetina; Masahiko Kobayashi; Tadashi Yasuda; Sheila Laverty; Ginette Squires; Toshihisa Kojima; William Wu; R. Clark Billinghurst
Biochem Soc Symp (2003) 70: 115–123.
Proteolytic 'defences' and the accumulation of oxidized polypeptides in cataractogenesis and atherogenesis
Biochem Soc Symp (2003) 70: 135–146.
Designing TIMP (tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases) variants that are selective metalloproteinase inhibitors
Biochem Soc Symp (2003) 70: 201–212.
Control of lipid metabolism by regulated intramembrane proteolysis of sterol regulatory element binding proteins (SREBPs)
Biochem Soc Symp (2003) 70: 221–231.