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August 2002
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ISSN 0300-5127
EISSN 1470-8752
In this Issue
Novartis Medal Lecture
676th Meeting
14-3-3 Proteins in Cell Regulation
Specificity of 14-3-3 isoform dimer interactions and phosphorylation
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 351–360.
14-3-3 Proteins and photoneuroendocrine transduction: role in controlling the daily rhythm in melatonin
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 365–373.
Affinity purification of diverse plant and human 14-3-3-binding partners
F. C. Milne; G. Moorhead; M. Pozuelo Rubio; B. Wong; A. Kulma; J. E. Harthill; D. Villadsen; V. Cotelle; C. MacKintosh
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 379–381.
Specific 14-3-3 isoform detection and immunolocalization in prion diseases
H. C. Baxter; J. R. Fraser; W.-G. Liu; J. L. Forster; S. Clokie; P. Steinacker; M. Otto; E. Bahn; J. Wiltfang; A. Aitken
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 387–391.
Effect of multiple phosphorylation events on the transcription factors FKHR, FKHRLI and AFX
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 391–397.
Transgenic 14-3-3 isoforms in plants: the metabolite profiling of repressed 14-3-3 protein synthesis in transgenic potato plants
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 405–410.
Phosphorylation-independent interaction between 14-3-3 protein and the plant plasma membrane H+-ATPase
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 411–415.
Lessons from the Type II Family of G-Protein-Coupled Receptors: Their Ligands,Receptor Structure and Function
Adrenomedullin: receptor and signal transduction
D. M. Smith; H. A. Coppock; D. J. Withers; A. A. Owji; D. L. Hay; T. P. Choksi; P. Chakravarty; S. Legon; D. R. Poyne
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 432–437.
Identification of secretin, vasoactive intestinal peptide and glucagon binding sites: from chimaeric receptors to point mutations
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 437–441.
Additional signals from VPAC/PAC family receptors
D. A. McCulloch; C. J. MacKenzie; M. S. Johnson; D. N. Robertson; P. J. Holland; E. Ronaldson; E. M. Lutz; R. Mitchell
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 441–446.
A small sequence in the third intracellular loop of the VPAC1 receptor is responsible for its efficient coupling to the calcium effector
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 447–450.
Interaction of calcitonin-gene-related peptide with its receptors
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 451–455.
Functional relevance of G-protein-coupled-receptor-associated proteins, exemplified by receptor-activity-modifying proteins (RAMPs)
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 455–460.
Receptor component protein (RCP): a member of a multi-protein complex required for G-protein-coupled signal transduction
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 460–464.
Interaction of G-protein-coupled receptors with synaptic scaffolding proteins
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 464–468.
Development and potential of non-peptide antagonists for calcitonin-generelated peptide (CGRP) receptors: evidence for CGRP receptor heterogeneity
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 468–473.
Mediation and Modulation of Antibody Function
The human IgA-Fc α receptor interaction and its blockade by streptococcal IgA-binding proteins
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 491–494.
The contrasting IgG-binding interactions of human and herpes simplex virus Fc receptors
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 495–500.
Troybodies and Pepbodies
E. Lunde; V. Lauvrak; I. B. Rasmussen; K. W. Schjetne; K. M. Thompson; T. E. Michaelsen; O. H. Brekke; L. M. Sollid; B. Bogen; I. Sandlie
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 500–506.
Formatting antibody fragments to mediate specific therapeutic functions
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 512–516.
Amino acid sequence requirements in the human IgAI hinge for cleavage by streptococcal IgAI proteases
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 516–518.
Amyloidogenic Proteins Involved in Neurodegeneration and Therapeutic Implications
Inhibition of toxicity and protofibril formation in the amyloid-β peptide β(25–35) using N-Methylated derivatives
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 537–542.
Amyloid fibril formation by human stefin B: influence of the initial pH-induced intermediate state
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 543–547.
Amyloid-β oligomers: their production, toxicity and therapeutic inhibition
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 552–557.
Altering prion replication for therapy and diagnosis of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 569–573.
Tetrapyrroles: Their Life, Birth and Death
Structure and function of glutamyl-tRNA reductase involved in 5-aminolaevulinic acid formation
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 579–584.
5-Aminolaevulinic acid dehydratase: metals, mutants and mechanism
P. M. Shoolingin-Jordan; P. Spencer; M. Sarwar; P. E. Erskine; K.-M. Cheung; J. B. Cooper; E. B. Norton
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 584–590.
Structural diversity in metal ion chelation and the structure of uroporphyrinogen III synthase
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 595–600.
Site-directed mutagenesis of Tyr-189 and Lys-193 in NADPH: protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase from Synechocystis
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 601–604.
Making light of it: the role of plant haem oxygenases in phytochrome chromophore synthesis
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 604–609.
Controlling the reactivity of radical intermediates by coenzyme B12-dependent methylmalonyl-CoA mutase
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 621–624.
Novel domain packing in the crystal structure of a thiosulphate-oxidizing enzyme
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 638–642.
Cobalamin (vitamin B12) biosynthesis in Rhodobacter capsulatus
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 646–648.
Pentahaem cytochrome c nitrite reductase: reaction with hydroxylamine, a potential reaction intermediate and substrate
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 649–653.
The membrane-bound tetrahaem c-type cytochrome CymA interacts directly with the soluble fumarate reductase in Shewanella
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 658–662.
Comparison between the nitric oxide reductase family and its aerobic relatives, the cytochrome oxidases
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 662–667.
Focused Meeting
Molecular and atomic analysis of uranium complexes formed by three eco-types of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 669–672.
Metal Insertion into Proteins
Biosynthesis of iron-sulphur clusters is a complex and highly conserved process
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 680–685.
Metal Transport
The response to iron deprivation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: expression of siderophore-based systems of iron uptake
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 698–702.
Characterization of a non-haem ferritin of the Archaeon Halobacterium salinarum, homologous to Dps (starvation-induced DNA-binding protein)
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 713–715.
Molecular evidence for the role of a ferric reductase in iron transport
A. T. McKie; G. O. Latunde-Dada; S. Miret; J. A. McGregor; G. J. Anderson; C. D. Vulpe; J. M. Wrigglesworth; R. J. Simpson
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 722–724.
Relationship between intestinal iron-transporter expression, hepatic hepcidin levels and the control of iron absorption
G.J. Anderson; D. M. Frazer; S.J. Wilkins; E. M. Becker; K. N. Millard; T. L. Murphy; A. T. McKie; C. D. Vulpe
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 724–726.
Down-regulation of liver iron-regulatory protein I in haemochromatosis
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 726–728.
Design and applications of methods for fluorescence detection of iron in biological systems
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 729–732.
Intracellular Trafficking
Metal Toxicity and Therapeutic Intervention
Toxicity of myoglobin and haemoglobin: oxidative stress in patients with rhabdomyolysis and subarachnoid haemorrhage
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 745–748.
Chromium(VI)-induced damage to the cytoskeleton and cell death in isolated hepatocytes
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 748–751.
The role of oxidative stress in the toxicity of pyridoxal isonicotinoyl hydrazone (PIH) analogues
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 755–758.
Novel cytotoxic chelators that bind iron(II) selectively over zinc(II) under aqueous aerobic conditions
R. P. Planalp; A. M. Przyborowska; G. Park; N. Ye; F. H. Lu; R. D. Rogers; G. A. Broker; S. V. Torti; M. W. Brechbiel
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 758–761.
Functional Genomics and Gene Regulation in Biometals Research
Structural studies of the Fur protein from Rhizobium leguminosarum
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 771–774.
Repression of ferritin expression modulates cell responsiveness to H-ras-induced growth
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 777–780.
Identification of members of the Aspergillus nidulans SREA regulon: genes involved in siderophore biosynthesis and utilization
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 781–783.
Regulation of B-Lymphocytes in Health and Disease
CD19-CD21 complex regulates an intrinsic Src family kinase amplification loop that links innate immunity with B-lymphocyte intracellular calcium responses
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 807–811.
Hyper-IgM syndromes: a model for studying the regulation of class switch recombination and somatic hypermutation generation
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 815–818.
Consequences of Fcγ receptor type III reactivity in non-organ-specific autoimmune diseases
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 819–824.
B-lymphocyte depletion therapy in rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune disorders
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 824–828.
Industrial Biotechnology and Biochemical Group Focused Meeting
High-Throughput Screening: The Way Ahead
Conditionally immortalized cell lines as model systems for high-throughput biology in drug discovery
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 800–802.