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August 2007
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ISSN 0300-5127
EISSN 1470-8752
Biochemical Society Focused Meetings
Matrix Turnover: Mechanisms and Common Denominator
Regulation of matrix turnover: fibroblasts, forces, factors and fibrosis
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 647–651.
Matrix synthesis and degradation in human intervertebral disc degeneration
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 652–655.
HtrA1: a novel regulator of physiological and pathological matrix mineralization?
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 669–671.
The molecular basis of inter-α-inhibitor heavy chain transfer on to hyaluronan
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 672–676.
Influence of the extracellular matrix on the frictional properties of tissue-engineered cartilage
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 677–679.
Astrocyte–leucocyte interactions and the mechanisms regulating matrix degradation in CNS tuberculosis
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 686–688.
Brevican and phosphacan expression and localization following transient middle cerebral artery occlusion in the rat
G. Haddock; A.K. Cross; S. Allan; B. Sharrack; J. Callaghan; R.A.D. Bunning; D.J. Buttle; M.N. Woodroofe
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 692–694.
Bone marrow stromal cells promote growth and survival of prostate cancer cells
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 698–700.
Cathepsin K in the bone microenvironment: link between obesity and prostate cancer?
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 701–703.
Phagocytosis of collagen by fibroblasts and invasive cancer cells is mediated by MT1-MMP
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 704–706.
Family Resemblances? Ligand Binding and Activation of Family A and B G-Protein-Coupled Receptor
Family Resemblances? Ligand Binding and Activation of Family A and B G-Protein-Coupled Receptors
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 707–708.
Structural basis of natural ligand binding and activation of the Class II G-protein-coupled secretin receptor
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 709–712.
Peptide binding at the GLP-1 receptor
R. Mann; N. Nasr; D. Hadden; J. Sinfield; F. Abidi; S. Al-Sabah; R. López de Maturana; J. Treece-Birch; A. Willshaw; D. Donnelly
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 713–716.
Extracellular loops and ligand binding to a subfamily of Family A G-protein-coupled receptors
M. Wheatley; J. Simms; S.R. Hawtin; V.J. Wesley; D. Wootten; M. Conner; Z. Lawson; A.C. Conner; A. Baker; Y. Cashmore; R. Kendrick; R.A. Parslow
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 717–720.
Structural characterization of the parathyroid hormone receptor domains determinant for ligand binding
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 721–723.
Agonist selectivity in the oxytocin/vasopressin receptor family: new insights and challenges
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 737–741.
Phenotypic classification of mutants: a tool for understanding ligand binding and activation of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 742–745.
Computational studies of Family A and Family B GPCRs
S. Vohra; S.V. Chintapalli; C.J.R. Illingworth; P.J. Reeves; P.M. Mullineaux; H.S.X. Clark; M.K. Dean; G.J.G. Upton; C.A. Reynolds
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 749–754.
Unravelling the mechanisms underpinning chemokine receptor activation and blockade by small molecules: a fine line between agonism and antagonism?
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 755–759.
Neurotensin receptor type 1: Escherichia coli expression, purification, characterization and biophysical study
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 760–763.
Monitoring interactions between G-protein-coupled receptors and β-arrestins
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 764–766.
Cell-Penetrating Peptide
Applications of cell-penetrating peptides in regulation of gene expression
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 770–774.
Cell-penetrating-peptide-based delivery of oligonucleotides: an overview
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 775–779.
Cell-surface proteoglycans as molecular portals for cationic peptide and polymer entry into cells
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 788–793.
all-D proline-rich cell-penetrating peptides: a preliminary in vivo internalization study
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 794–796.
Bax-inhibiting peptides derived from Ku70 and cell-penetrating pentapeptides
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 797–801.
Protein transduction: identification, characterization and optimization
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 811–815.
Cell-penetrating peptide–morpholino conjugates alter pre-mRNA splicing of DMD (Duchenne muscular dystrophy) and inhibit murine coronavirus replication in vivo
H.M. Moulton; S. Fletcher; B.W. Neuman; G. McClorey; D.A. Stein; S. Abes; S.D. Wilton; M.J. Buchmeier; B. Lebleu; P.L. Iversen
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 826–828.
Generation, application and quantification of clamp–BioShuttle carriers for plasmid delivery into nuclei of prostate cancer cells
Biochem Soc Trans (2007) 35 (4): 829–832.