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Biochemical Society Awards

Biochemical Society Award Lecture
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 555–565.
Heatley Medal Lecture
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 567–574.
Novartis Award Lecture
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 575–583.

Biochemical Society Linked Focused Meetings

Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 585–589.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 590–594.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 595–598.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 599–602.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 603–608.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 609–612.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 613–618.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 619–624.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 625–628.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 629–631.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 632–636.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 637–639.
Post-Transcriptional Control
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 641–647.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 648–652.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 653–657.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 658–664.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 665–670.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 671–676.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 677–683.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 684–689.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 690–693.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 694–697.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 698–700.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 701–707.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 708–711.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 712–716.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 717–722.
New Methods for the Study of Protein–Nucleic Acid Interactions
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 723–731.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 732–737.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 738–744.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 745–748.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 749–753.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 754–757.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 758–765.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 766–770.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 771–775.
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 776–779.
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