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February 1977
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ISSN 0300-5127
EISSN 1470-8752
In this Issue
Biochemical Review
Book Review
566th Meeting
Identification of Blood-Sinusoidal Plasma-Membrane Fractions from Rat Liver Homogenates by Radioiodinated-Ligand Binding
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 103–104.
The Relationship between Calcium Ion Gates and the Stimulation of Phosphatidylinositol Turnover
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 104–106.
Interactions of Phospholipids with Sodium-plus-Potassium Ion-Dependent Adenosine Triphosphatase
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 107–108.
Modification of Acyltransferase Activity in Lymphocyte Membranes by Cannabinoids and other Lipids
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 108–110.
The Labelling of Lipid and Protein Components in Isolated Central-Nervous-System Myelin with Dansyl Chloride
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 110–112.
Evidence for the Presence of the Outer Forespore Membrane in Dormant-Spore Integuments
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 113–116.
Germination and Subsequent Outgrowth Capacity of Isolated Forespores compared with Mature Spores of Bacillus megaterium KM
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 116–118.
Metabolism of Membrane Lipids during Bacterial Spore Germination and Outgrowth
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 118–119.
Structure of the Complex Carbohydrate Chains in the Membrane Glycoproteins of Semliki Forest Virus
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 120–121.
Partial Purification of a Plasma-Membrane-Associated Tumour-Specific Antigen from a Rat Sarcoma by using Immunoadsorbent Column Chromatography
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 123–125.
Recovery of Membrane Micro-vesicles from Human Erythrocytes Stored for Transfusion: A Mechanism for the Erythrocyte Discocyte-to-Spherocyte Shape Transformation
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 126–128.
Effect of Calcium Ions on the Uptake of Sugars through the Human Buccal Mucosa
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 129–130.
Quantitative Studies of Pinocytic Uptake of 125I-Labelled Polyvinylpyrrolidone by Pig Aortic Smooth-Muscle Cells in Culture
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 130–133.
Evidence for Two Metabolic Pools of Arterial Cholesteryl Esters in Developing Experimental Atherosclerosis in the Rabbit
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 134–136.
Metabolie Characteristics of Endocytosis of Ferritin by Gills of a Marine Bivalve Mollusc
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 136–137.
Interaction of Human Blood Platelets with the 2′,3′-Dialdehyde derivatives of Adenosine Diphosphate and Adenosine Triphosphate
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 138–139.
Reconstitution of a Functional Proton-Translocating Adenosine Triphosphatase from the Obligately Anaerobic Bacterium Clostridium pasteurianum
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 140–143.
The Identification of Constituents of Extracellular Membranes in Rabbit Skeletal-Muscle Microsomal Fractions
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 144–146.
The Influence of pH, Low Sodium Ion Concentration and Methotrexate on the Jejunal-Surface pH: A Model for Folic Acid Transfer
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 149–152.
Changes in the Jejunal Glycocalyx and their Relationship to Intestinal Malabsorption
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 152.
Effect of Fatty Acid Mixtures on Phytohaemagglutinin-Stimulated Lymphocytes of Different Species
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 153–154.
Increase in Brain Tryptophan and 5-Hydroxytryptamine on Administration of Phenothiazines to Rats
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 155–157.
A Comparison of the Effects of Ischaemia on Tissue Flow, Electrical Activity and Extracellular Potassium Ion Concentration in Cerebral Cortex of Baboons
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 158–160.
The Effects of Middle-Cerebral-Artery Occlusion on Neurotransmitter Metabolism in Baboons
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 160–163.
Choline Kinase and Ethanolamine Kinase Activity in the Cytoplasm of Nerve Endings from Rat Forebrain
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 164–165.
The Active Uptake of 5-Hydroxytryptamine in Snail (Helix pomatia) Central Nervous System and its Energy Source
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 178–179.
Biochemical and Immunological Studies of the Monoamine-Oxidizing Activities of Cultured Human Cells
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 180–182.
The Binding of a Specific Muscarinic Antagonist to Subcellular Fractions of the Bovine Caudate Nucleus
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 182–184.
The Transport of Radioactively Labelled Material after Injection of N-[3H]Acetyl-d-mannosamine in a Defined Area of the Brain Stem
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 184–186.
Occupancy of Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptors Stimulates a Guanylate Cyclase in Neuroblastoma Cells
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 189–191.
Localization of Cerebroside in Central-Nervous-System Myelin Lamellae: An Initial Approach
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 196–198.
Action of Endogenous Neuraminidase on Sialo Compounds in the Developing Chick Retina
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 198–200.
Uncoupling Agents: Arsenical Analogues of Pyrophosphate and their Compounds
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 209–210.
Cancer: Energy Uncoupling as a Primary Event in Endotoxin-Induced Necrosis of the S180 Sarcoma in situ
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 214–216.
The Mechanism of the Stimulation of Pyruvate Transport into Rat Liver Mitochondria by Glucagon
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 216–219.
Adenylate Cyclase in Plasma Membranes Purified from Rat Osteogenic Sarcoma
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 222–224.
Role of Prostaglandins and Adenosine 3′:5′-Cyclic Monophosphate in the Control by Insulin of Growth-Hormone Synthesis in vitro
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 224–226.
An Inhibitor of Mammalian Collagenase from Foetal Rabbit Bone in Culture
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 227–229.
The Effect of Cadmium Administration on Activities of Enzymes in the Urine of the Rat and Marmoset
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 238–241.
Changes in Human Hexosaminidase Isoenzyme Distribution in Body Fluids during the Course of Tissue Damage
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 241–243.
Activity of N-Acetyl-β-d-glucosaminidase, α-l-Fucosidase and α-d-Mannosidase in the Urine of Normal Individuals and Patients with Renal Disease
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 248–250.
Interaction of Lactate Dehydrogenase with N6-(6-Aminohexyl)adenosine 5′-Monophosphate-Sepharose
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 251–253.
The Stability of Lipoamide Dehydrogenase Immobilized to Agarose through Spacer Molecules of Various Lengths
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 253–255.
Cross-Reactivity in the Radioimmunoassay of Ferritin with Cells from High- and Low-Responder Mice
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 256–258.
Solubilization Studies and Properties of Particulate NAD-Independent Malate Dehydrogenase of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus (N.C.I.B. 8250)
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 258–259.
Carbon-Source Catabolite-Repression Effects on petite Mutation in Yeast
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 262–264.
Autorepression of Ethidium Bromide Mutagenesis in Kluyveromyces lactis, a petite-Negative Yeast
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 264–267.
A Cadmium-Binding Glycoprotein from the Liver of the Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa)
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 267–269.
Ferredoxin-Sepharose as an Affinity Absorbent for the Purification of Glutamate Synthase and Other Ferredoxin-Dependent Enzymes
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 269–271.
Chemical Basis of the Electrophoretic Variation between two Naturally Occurring Alcohol Dehydrogenase Alloenzymes from Drosophila melanogaster
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 271–272.
A Study of Carbonic Anhydrase Covalently Bound to a Poly(acryloylmorpholine) Network in Aqueous/Organic Solvents
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 274–276.
Water-Soluble Coloured Covalent Conjugates of Carbonic Anhydrase and N-(sym-Trinitroaryl)polyacrylamide/Acrylhydrazide Co-Polymers
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 277–279.
Structural Studies of Human Immunoglobulin D Myeloma Proteins: Circular-Dichroic Studies of Two Intact Proteins and Enzymically Derived Fragments
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 279–282.
Some Relationships between Fatty Acid Biosynthesis and Esterification in Rat Adipocytes
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 284–285.
The Biosynthesis of Short-Chain Triacylglycerols by Microsomal Fractions from Lactating-Cow Mammary Gland
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 285–287.
Properties of [99mTc] Technetium-Labelled Liposomes in Normal and Tumour-Bearing Rats
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 290–291.
The Effect of Dietary Cholesterol on Rat Liver Microsomal 3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl-Coenzyme A Reductase Activity
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 294.
The Effects of Morphine-Like Drugs and Chlorpromazine on the Synthesis of Glycerolipids by Homogenates of Rat Liver
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 295–296.
An Exchange Reaction Catalysed by δ-Aminolaevulinate Synthase from Rhodopseudomonas spheroides
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 299–300.
Effect of Riboflavin Deficiency on Activity of NADH-FMN Oxidoreductase (Ferriductase) and Iron Content of Rat Liver
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 306–308.
The Effect of Some Foreign Compounds on Hepatic Xenobiotic Metabolism and on the Urinary Excretion of d-Glucuronic Acid Metabolites in the Rat
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 308–309.
The Hepatic Effects of Orally Administered Di-(2-ethylhexyl) Phthalate in the Ferret
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 310–311.
Metabolie Degradation of Stable-Isotope-Labelled Dimethylnitrosamine by Rat Liver
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 311–312.
A Radioautographic Study of the Hepatic Uptake of Circulating Carcinoembryonic Antigen by the Mouse
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 312–313.
The Insulin-Degrading Activity of Plasma-Membrane Fractions from Rat Liver
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 313–316.
Detection and Properties of the Non-α-Isomers of Bilirubin-IX
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 316–317.
The Fate of Bilirubin-IXα Glucuronides in Cholestatic Bile: Sequential Migration of the 1-Acylaglycone to the 2-, 3- and 4-Positions of Glucuronic Acid
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 317–319.
Effects of Illumination of Whole Barley Plants on the Protochlorophyllide-Activating System in the Isolated Plastids
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 319–321.
The Relationship between Floral Induction and γ-Tocopherol Concentrations in Leaves of Xanthium strumarium L.
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 322–324.
A Possible Involvement of Protohaem in the Induction of Nitrate Reductase in Etiolated Barley
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 324–326.
566th Meeting of the Biochemical Society
Abstract of Communication
Lipids and Function of Etiochloroplasts after Ultraviolet, Blue and Red Light-Illumination
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 95–98.
A Possible Role for Phosphatidylinositol Breakdown in Muscarinic Cholinergic Stimulus-Response Coupling
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 77–81.
Interaction of Lectins with Glycoproteins Associated with Intracellular Membranes
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 60.
Molecular Features of Glycophorin A: The Major Sialoglycoprotein of the Human Erythrocyte Membrane
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 59.
The Control of Phosphatidate Metabolism by Amphiphilic Drugs and by Bivalent Cations
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 40–43.
Phosphatidate Phosphohydrolase and the Regulation of Glycerolipid Biosynthesis
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 37–40.
The Multiplicity of Components, Energization Mechanisms and Functions involved in Galactose Transport into Escherichia coli
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 25–28.
The Electrochemical Proton Gradient in Escherichia coli Membrane Vesicles and its Relationship to Active Transport
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 23–25.
Awards and Other Lectures
The Twelfth Colworth Medal Lecture
The Adenosine Triphosphatase Reactions of Myosin and Actomyosin and their Relation to Energy Transduction in Muscle
Biochem Soc Trans (1977) 5 (1): 5–22.