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Biochem Soc Trans (2013) 41 (1): 339–343.
Published: 29 January 2013
.../desiccation resistance, gene redundancy and survival over geological times and at extraterrestrial sites. Experimental indications exist for all but one of these evolutionary advantages. Several of the advantages require gene conversion, which has been shown to be present and active in haloarchaea. 1...
Biochem Soc Trans (2011) 39 (1): 150–154.
Published: 19 January 2011
... Muller's ratchet would be a mechanism leading to the equalization of genome copies, such as gene conversion. Using two species of methanogenic and halophilic archaea, it was shown that heterozygous cells containing different genomes simultaneously can be selected, exemplifying gene redundancy as one...
Biochem Soc Trans (2006) 34 (4): 535–536.
Published: 21 July 2006
... variation data provide evidence for a weak fixation bias in favour of G and C alleles that is strongest at the centre of inferred recombination hotspots. 1 email [email protected] 19 4 2006 © 2006 The Biochemical Society 2006 gene conversion HapMap hotspot human genetic...
Biochem Soc Trans (2002) 30 (4): 341–350.
Published: 01 August 2002
... Society 2002 B lymphocytes gene conversion immunoglobulins somatic hypermutation switch recombination AID, activation-induced cytidine deaminase MSH, mammalian homologue of bacterial MutS mutator protein Antibodies: a Paradigm for the Evolution of Molecular Recognition M. S. Neuberger...
Biochem Soc Trans (2000) 28 (5): 536–540.
Published: 01 October 2000
... units are turning out to be surprisingly polymorphic in structure and sequence. e-mail [email protected] 6 7 2000 © 2000 Biochemical Society 2000 antigenic variation gene conversion genome plasticity VSG, variant surface glycoprotein ESAG, expression-site...