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Biochem Soc Trans (2013) 41 (1): 393–398.
Published: 29 January 2013
... and the accumulation of soluble organic compounds supports the nutrient supply and syntrophic interactions [ 3 ]. adhesion Archaea biofilm extracellular polymeric substance flagellum pilus Biofilm-forming archaea have been identified for halophilic, hyperthermophilic, acidophilic, methanogenic...
Biochem Soc Trans (2012) 40 (6): 1186–1190.
Published: 21 November 2012
... pilus The evidence currently available indicates that long-range electron transport along the pili of G. sulfurreducens , and presumably other Geobacter species, is feasible via a metallic-like conductivity of the PilA protein filament. This is a novel mechanism for biological electron transport...