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Biochem Soc Trans (2015) 43 (6): 1247–1252.
Published: 27 November 2015
... by Portland Press Limited 2015 infection inflammation interferons interleukins translation translation initiation Similar to 4E-BP, eIF4E activity is also regulated by phosphorylation by several kinases, e.g. mTOR [ 27 ]. The specificity of eIF4E for 5′TOP mRNAs is phosphorylation-dependent...
Biochem Soc Trans (2015) 43 (6): 1259–1265.
Published: 27 November 2015
... in the NMD pathway has been linked to NDD. RBM8a, eukaryotic translation initiation factor (eIF4)AIII and RNPS1 proteins are components of the exon–junction complex (EJC) deposited 20–24 nts upstream of each exon–exon junction process during splicing. EJCs serve as a platform for the binding of NMD factors...
Biochem Soc Trans (2015) 43 (3): 323–327.
Published: 01 June 2015
... The Authors Journal compilation © 2015 Biochemical Society 2015 apoptosis internal ribosome entry site messenger RNA (mRNA) stability translation initiation upstream of N-ras (Unr) mitosis Unr [upstream of N-ras; also known as CSDE1 (cold shock domain containing E1)] was originally...
Biochem Soc Trans (2015) 43 (3): 343–347.
Published: 01 June 2015
... and survival of precursor cells partly through control of mRNA translation. General translation initiation mechanisms can selectively control translation of transcripts that carry specific structures in the UTRs. This selective mRNA translation is an important layer of gene expression regulation...
Biochem Soc Trans (2014) 42 (4): 1238–1245.
Published: 11 August 2014
...Anastasiia Kamenska; Clare Simpson; Nancy Standart The cap-binding translation initiation factor eIF4E (eukaryotic initiation factor 4E) is central to protein synthesis in eukaryotes. As an integral component of eIF4F, a complex also containing the large bridging factor eIF4G and eIF4A RNA helicase...
Biochem Soc Trans (2013) 41 (4): 923–926.
Published: 18 July 2013
...Christopher G. Proud mTORC1 (mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1) is activated by nutrients, growth factors and certain hormones. Signalling downstream of mTORC1 promotes protein synthesis by both activating the processes of translation initiation and elongation, in the short term...
Biochem Soc Trans (2012) 40 (4): 794–799.
Published: 20 July 2012
... review, we summarize the impact of stress on translation initiation, highlighting both the similarities and distinctions between various stress responses. Finally, we speculate as to how yeast cells generate stress-responsive programmes of protein production when regulation is focused on the same steps...
Biochem Soc Trans (2010) 38 (6): 1581–1586.
Published: 24 November 2010
... or maintenance of a cellular programme is mediated via an alternative form of translation initiation termed IRES (internal ribosome entry site)-mediated translation. This relies on the mRNA containing a complex cis -acting structural element in its 5'-UTR (untranslated region) that is able to recruit...
Biochem Soc Trans (2010) 38 (6): 1548–1552.
Published: 24 November 2010
... translation initiation of HIV, including the determination of the initiation factors required, the dynamics of initiation complex assembly and the dynamics of the RNA structure during initiation complex formation. Finally, the ability of HIV genomic RNA to initiate translation through different pathways...
Biochem Soc Trans (2010) 38 (6): 1511–1516.
Published: 24 November 2010
... to interact with host translation initiation factors or complexes and modify their activity and/or subcellular localization. The present review outlines current understanding of the role of eIF4F in the life cycle of various DNA viruses and discusses its potential as a therapeutic target to suppress viral...
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 648–652.
Published: 22 July 2008
... and translation initiation factors, and focuses on the potential functions of localized translation initiation factors. That is, as genuine sites for translation initiation, as repositories for factors and mRNA, and as sites of regulation. In addition, eIF4E, eIF4G and Pab1 localize to the perinuclear region...
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 671–676.
Published: 22 July 2008
...) RNA decay stress granule translation initiation Regulation of gene expression at the level of translation is an important level of control in eukaryotes and is essential in early development and in neurons, in the absence of (local) transcription. Regulation is usually exerted...
Biochem Soc Trans (2008) 36 (4): 653–657.
Published: 22 July 2008
...Michael G. Acker; Jon R. Lorsch Decades of research have yielded significant insight into the mechanism by which a cell translates an mRNA into the encoded protein. However many of the molecular details of the process remain a mystery. Translation initiation is an important control point in gene...
Biochem Soc Trans (2005) 33 (6): 1231–1241.
Published: 26 October 2005
...R.J. Jackson Of all the steps in mRNA translation, initiation is the one that differs most radically between prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Not only is there no equivalent of the prokaryotic Shine–Dalgarno rRNA–mRNA interaction, but also what requires only three initiation factor proteins (aggregate...
Biochem Soc Trans (2005) 33 (6): 1487–1492.
Published: 26 October 2005
... nervous system hypomyelination) or VWM (vanishing white matter disease). This review provides a general background to translation initiation and mechanisms known to control eIF2B function, before describing molecular genetic and biochemical analysis of eIF2B structure and function, integrating work from...
Biochem Soc Trans (2003) 31 (2): 424–427.
Published: 01 April 2003
... decarboxylase translation initiation upstream open reading frame Abbreviations used: ORF, open reading frame; uORF, upstream ORF; AdoMetDC, S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase; CPA1, carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase; Met-tRNAi Met , initiator methionine tRNA; AAP, arginine attenuator peptide; GUS...