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Keywords: tubulin
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Biochem Soc Trans (2023) 51 (4): 1505–1520.
Published: 10 August 2023
... to mobilize kinesin-mediated transport of cargos along microtubules or microtubule cytoskeleton remodeling. This review discusses the recent high-resolution structures (<4 Å) of kinesins bound to microtubules or tubulin complexes that have resolved outstanding questions about the basis of mechanochemical...
Includes: Supplementary data
Biochem Soc Trans (2021) 49 (4): 1735–1748.
Published: 26 August 2021
...Silvia Requena; Francisco Sánchez-Madrid; Noa B. Martín-Cófreces Tubulin post-translational modifications (PTMs) constitute a source of diversity for microtubule (MT) functions, in addition to the different isotypes of α and β-tubulin acting as building blocks of MTs. Also, MT-associated proteins...
Biochem Soc Trans (2014) 42 (6): 1762–1767.
Published: 17 November 2014
...Judit Oláh; Judit Ovádi Neomorphic moonlighting proteins perform distinct functions under physiological and pathological conditions without alterations at the gene level. The disordered tubulin-polymerization-promoting protein (TPPP/p25), a prototype of neomorphic moonlighting proteins, modulates...
Biochem Soc Trans (2010) 38 (6): 1691–1697.
Published: 24 November 2010
... interfere with subcellular structures, in particular the microtubules. In the present paper, we review studies exploring interactions between NMs and tubulin; therefore a PubMed literature search was performed. From this search 12 studies, applying both acellular and cellular assays, were retrieved...