Large granular lymphocytes (LGL) from human blood main-tained in culture for 2 to 6 weeks with IL-2 were found positive in the K562 cell killing assay. The cytoplasmic granules of the LGL were isolated, lysed and the soluble proteins were passed over a Sepharose-anti-C9 column. The retained protein was eluted with NaC1 and found to consist by SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of essentially one component with a molecular weight of approximately 70 000. The protein did not give a positive precipitation test with anti-human C9 by Ouchterlony analysis, but it reacted reproducibly with anti-human C9 by Western blot analysis. By ELISA the cross reaction with human C9 was less than 1%. The C9 related lymphocyte protein lacked C9 hemolytic activity, but it formed functional pores in liposomes in presence of Ca++. These results suggest that the cytoplasmic granules of human LGL that are capable of killing NK target cells contain C9 related protein which is involved in the cellular cytotoxicity reaction.

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