Marked differences were found in the electrophoretic profiles and amino-acid compositions of components prepared from rat glomerular basement membrane (GBM) by a number of different solubilization procedures. Treatment with reducing agent resulted in a simplified electrophoretic pattern which was characterized by the presence of a major collagenous component with a mol. wt, of 150 000. In contrast, detergent solubilized mainly lower-mol.-wt, material which had a more polar amino-acid composition. When both reagents were used together the majority of the basement-membrane material was so Jubilized within 2 h and components with mol. wts, of 170 000 and 135 000 were predominant in the pro-α region of the gel. Treatment for a further 16 h was required to solubilize higher-mol.-wt, material and to achieve maximum solubility of components in the pro-α region with mol. wts, of 185 000 and 150 000. These methods provide a means of separating subcomponents of rat GBM while avoiding the problems of degradation inherent in enzymatic procedures.

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