Portland Press would like to update the retraction statement accompanying this paper as it was an incorrect statement published in error. The journal apologises for this error and provides the correct statement text below:
This article is being retracted from Bioscience Reports at the request of the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board following receipt of a notification from a reader, alerting the Editorial Board to duplicate images in Figure 2, between the 6-day normal group and 9-day VD treatment group, and the 3-day diabetic group and the 3-day VD treatment group. The authors were contacted regarding the concerns raised, and they provided replacement images and explained that there had been an error whilst compiling the images. However, it was noted by the Editorial Office that additional panels, as well as the duplicate panels, were replaced in the new figure. It was subsequently noted that certain panels had been changed between the original and revised versions of the paper during submission, including one image used in the initial submission appearing as a different treatment group in the revised version. Given the extent of the issues raised, the Editorial Board stand by the decision to retract the article. The authors have not agreed to the retraction.