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The Biochemical Society and Portland Press have collaborated to deliver this Biochemistry Focus webinar series. Topics covered include different research areas in the molecular biosciences, as well as practical sessions to support your career development. Each webinar will provide attendees with the opportunity to ask questions and these online events are free to attend.
We welcome suggestions for future topics and speakers to feature in this series. To submit a proposal for an upcoming webinar, please complete our form online.
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The Biochemical Society and Portland Press have collaborated to deliver this Biochemistry Focus webinar series. Topics covered include different research areas in the molecular biosciences, as well as practical sessions to support your career development. Each webinar will provide attendees with the opportunity to ask questions and these online events are free to attend.
We welcome suggestions for future topics and speakers to feature in this series. To submit a proposal for an upcoming webinar, please complete our form online.
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Twenty years after its discovery, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) has become one of the most studied proteins. Since ACE2 was identified as the SARS-coronavirus 2 receptor, it has held centre stage with already more than 500 peer-reviewed publications in 2020. This webinar was organized by the Biochemical Society and Portland Press in June 2020, chaired by Professor Rhian Touyz, Director of the Institute of Cardiovascular & Medical Sciences and British Heart Foundation Chair of Cardiovascular Medicine at the University of Glasgow.
Chinese subtitles available - please select translation option if subtitles do not show automatically.