To determine the involvement of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its receptors Flk-1 and Flt-1 in capillary growth in ischaemic skeletal muscle, extensor digitorum longus muscles from hindlimbs of Sprague—Dawley rats were studied at 1, 2 and 5 week intervals after iliac artery ligation. Muscle VEGF protein levels (as determined by Western-blot analysis) increased only after 2 (60%) and 5 (80%) weeks, with more capillaries positively immunostained for VEGF than in control muscles. Ischaemia-induced angiogenesis was gradual, with capillary proliferation at 1 and 2 weeks and capillary:fibre ratio increased 20% after 5 weeks. This was associated with an initial doubling of Flk-1 protein after 1 week that declined below control levels by 5 weeks, whereas Flt-1 expression was elevated more than 40% at all time points. During more sustained ischaemia (femoral ligation 3 weeks after iliac ligation), VEGF protein level at 5 weeks was even higher, but Flt-1 and Flk-1 were unchanged from control levels and no capillary growth occurred. Intermittent electrical stimulation (10 Hz, 7×15 min/day) of these ischaemic muscles between weeks 3–5 did not elevate VEGF further, but increased Flk-1 by 32%, decreased Flt-1 by 71%, and led to significant capillary growth. These results demonstrate that during chronic muscle ischaemia Flk-1 and Flt-1 are regulated differentially and that electrical stimulation of ischaemic muscles can promote angiogenesis via Flk-1 up-regulation. Even when ischaemic muscle VEGF levels are high, capillary growth appears to be dependent on the presence of Flk-1.

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