CHD (coronary heart disease) is a complex disorder which is, in part, related to serum cholesterol levels. The rate-limiting enzyme in the catabolism of cholesterol into bile acids is CYP7A1 (cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase). The effect of the CYP7A1 A−278C promoter polymorphism on the progression of atherosclerosis, risk of a new clinical event and the influence of this variant on cholesterol-lowering therapy was investigated in 715 male patients with coronary atherosclerosis participating in REGRESS (Regression Growth Evaluation Statin Study). Genotype distributions were as follows: 283 with AA; 330 with AC and 102 with CC. There were no significant differences in baseline characteristics and serum lipids between genotypes. After 2 years, CC carriers had more progression of diffuse and focal atherosclerosis compared with AA carriers, as indicated by a larger decrease in MSD (mean segment diameter; 0.09 mm compared with 0.06 mm respectively; P=0.009) and MOD (minimum obstruction diameter; 0.09 mm compared with 0.05 mm respectively; P=0.024). Inclusion of risk factors for CHD in the model showed the same trend, although not significant for MOD (P=0.01 for MSD, and P=0.06 for MOD). In addition, CC carriers had an almost 2-fold higher risk of a new clinical event compared with AA carriers [RR (95% CI) 1.93 (1.11–3.36); P=0.02; where RR is relative risk and CI is confidence interval]. Inclusion of risk factors for CHD in the model showed the same trend, although not significant [RR (95% CI), 1.74 (0.96–3.12); P=0.06]. In conclusion, we present evidence that the CC variant of the A−278C polymorphism in the rate-limiting enzyme in the catabolism of cholesterol, CYP7A1, increases the progression of atherosclerosis and possibly the risk of a new clinical event.

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