TRP (transient receptor potential) channels play important roles in the regulation of normal and pathological cellular function. In the vasculature, TRP channels are present both in ECs (endothelial cells) and vascular SMCs (smooth muscle cells) and contribute to vasomotor control mechanisms in most vascular beds. Vascular TRP channels are activated by various stimuli, such as mechanical perturbation, receptor activation and dietary molecules. Some of the specific roles of these channels in normal and impaired vascular function have emerged in recent years and include participation in vascular signalling processes, such as neurotransmission, hormonal signalling, NO production, myogenic tone and autoregulation of blood flow, thermoregulation, responses to oxidative stress and cellular proliferative activity. Current research is aimed at understanding the interactions of TRP channels with other vascular proteins and signalling mechanisms. These studies should reveal new targets for pharmacological therapy of vascular diseases, such as hypertension, ischaemia and vasospasm, and vascular proliferative states.

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