1. A formula breakfast containing protein, carbohydrate and fat was given on two occasions to nine middle-aged male convalescent patients and to ten young men. The meals differed only in the type of carbohydrate given; sucrose or an isocalorific amount of glucose.

2. After the formula meal containing sucrose; (a) the alimentary lipaemia was cleared more slowly; (b) insulin response was smaller, and (c) there was a lower blood sugar curve than after the glucose meal.

3. The degree of lipaemia showed a significant positive correlation with insulin response which was, as expected, lower after sucrose than glucose.

While attempting to confirm a report (Schilling, Hashim & Leonardy, 1964) that serum triglycerides are not significantly elevated after the ingestion of a small mixed meal, it was noticed that the triglyceride concentrations seemed to depend on the type of carbohydrate given (Mann & Truswell, 1971). Albrink, Fitzgerald & Mann (1958) and Sullivan (1960) have shown that the lipaemia which occurs after a fatty meal is diminished by the addition of glucose to the meal. Krut & Barsky (1964) found that postprandial lipaemia in patients with ischaemic heart disease is decreased by intravenous infusion of glucose and insulin.

These considerations led us to examine the effects of glucose and sucrose and subsequent insulin release on alimentary lipaemia.

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