1. Studies with 67Cu were carried out on thirteen patients with Wilson's disease (WD), twenty-nine of their parents and siblings, thirteen normal subjects and seven subjects with cirrhosis of the liver. Control subjects and five siblings of patients with WD generally excreted more than 15% of the dose of 67Cu in their 5-day stool collections, had normal liver/thigh radioactivity ratio patterns, and had whole-body biological 67Cu half-times of less than 40 days. The remaining twenty-four family members, including all twelve parents, and the patients with WD generally excreted less than 15% of the dose of 67Cu in their 5-day stool collections, had abnormal liver/thigh radioactivity ratio patterns, and had whole-body biological 67Cu half-times greater than 40 days.

2. The data demonstrate a normal 67Cu biological half-time of 28 days and faecal excretion of 22% in 5 days, and suggest a decreased biliary excretion of copper in both homozygous and heterozygous individuals with WD.

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