1. We have compared the effect of central and peripheral administration of angiotensin II and (1-succinamoyl-5-valine-8-phenylglycine)angiotensin II on blood pressure of male conscious unrestrained rats with normal blood pressure, and with spontaneous hypertension or chronic renal hypertension.
2. After central and peripheral injection of angiotensin II all rats exhibited a significant dose-related increase in blood pressure.
3. Administration of the analogue was without effect in normotensive rats. Ten-weeks-old rats with spontaneous hypertension showed a significant blood pressure decrease after central injection, but an increase after peripheral injection. This centrally induced decrease could not be observed in spontaneously hypertensive rats 14 weeks old. In these animals the analogue increased the blood pressure. In rats with chronic renal hypertension in contrast to peripheral injection, central administration decreased the pressure significantly.
4. Plasma renin activity was not changed after central injection of the analogue in normotensive rats.
5. These observations suggest the participation of the intrinsic brain isorenin-angiotensin system in central blood pressure regulation in these forms of experimental hypertension.