1. Evidence for the existence of ‘natriuretic hormone’ resides, in part, in the demonstration that blood volume expansion in the dog is followed by a transient fall in short-circuit current (SCC) across a frog skin incorporated within its circulation.
2. We have attempted to confirm this effect in the rat, with a toad skin (Xenopus laevis) incorporated within the circulation. The skins, bathed in whole rat blood, displayed low SCC; skins bathed in ‘mammalian’ Ringer solution displayed equally low SCC, but responded normally to pitressin or amiloride.
3. When volume expansion was induced in ten rats by infusion of equilibrated whole blood (28 ml/kg body weight) there was a brisk rise in systemic blood pressure, diuresis, natriuresis and kaliuresis.
4. This blood-volume expansion was without detectable effect on the SCC across the skins incorporated within the rats' circulations.