1. Urea kinetics were measured using prime/intermittent oral doses of [15N15N]urea in six healthy men taking diets adequate in energy and containing either 74 or 30 g of protein/day.

2. On 74 g of protein/day, urea production (199 mg of N day−1 kg−1) was 121% of intake, with 60% of the urea produced being excreted in the urine and 40% being salvaged in the colon; 69% of the salvaged nitrogen was retained in the metabolic nitrogen pool.

3. Nitrogen balance was not maintained on 30 g of protein/day. There was a significant decrease in the urea production rate (123 mg of N day−1 kg−1) and 54% of production was excreted in urine, with 46% being salvaged.

4. The pattern of urea production and salvaging on 30 g of protein/day was different to that seen in an earlier study on 35 g of protein/day, with a significant decrease in both production (71%) and salvaging (50%).

5. These data reinforce the conclusions drawn from an earlier study, that the salvaging of urea nitrogen by the colon is an integral part of the process of adaptation to low protein diets. The salvage system appears to fail on an intake of 30 g of protein/day and nitrogen is no longer conserved in sufficient amounts for balance to be maintained.

6. The changes seen in urea kinetics reinforce the conclusion based upon nitrogen balance that the minimum physiological requirement for protein in normal adult man lies between 30 and 35 g of protein/day.

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