1. We have previously reported the relative mRNA and protein level of the long and short splice variants of Gsα (GsαL and GsαS) in human atrium. We have now measured the relative proportions of the serine+ and serine variants of GsαL and GsαS in human atrium, and assessed, indirectly, whether their differential expression may (i) regulate Gsα phosphorylation, and (ii) be regulated by atrial cyclic AMP levels.

2. The serine+ and serine variants of GsαL and GsαS were estimated by single nucleotide primer extension in 36 right atrial strips of which half were from β-adrenoceptor-blocked patients. The ratio of serine+ to serine variants was 0.06 ± 0.12 for GsαL, compared with 8.04 ± 12.16 for GsαS (P < 0.001).

3. Isoelectric points of GsαL and GsαS in the atria of four β-adrenoceptor-blocked and four non-β-adrenoceptor-blocked patients were estimated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Two-dimensional gel analysis gave a consistent pattern with several spots for both GsαL and GsαS; however, the isoelectric points of GsαS were more acid (5.18 ± 0.24) than those of GsαL (5.87 ± 0.17, P < 0.001).

4. No significant difference in either the serine variants or isoelectric point value was observed between β-adrenoceptor-blocked and non-β-adrenoceptor-blocked patients.

5. In conclusion, all four Gsα variants were expressed in human atrium, but GsαL is almost entirely of the serine form. GsαS has a more acidic isoelectric point than GsαL, indicating a possible post-translational modification. The lack of difference in our results between β-adrenoceptor-blocked and non-β-adrenoceptor-blocked patients suggests indirectly that cyclic AMP is an unlikely candidate for regulating splicing or post-translational modification of Gsα in vivo.

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