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Review articles
Original Papers
Sorafenib treatment improves hepatopulmonary syndrome in rats with biliary cirrhosis
Ching-Chih Chang; Chiao-Lin Chuang; Fa-Yauh Lee; Sun-Sang Wang; Han-Chieh Lin; Hui-Chun Huang; Tzu-Hua Teng; Shao-Jung Hsu; Hsian-Guey Hsieh; Shou-Dong Lee
Clin Sci (Lond) (2013) 124 (7): 457–466.
Chronic activation of cannabinoid receptors in vitro does not compromise mouse islet function
Clin Sci (Lond) (2013) 124 (7): 467–478.
EGLN1 variants influence expression and SaO2 levels to associate with high-altitude pulmonary oedema and adaptation
Clin Sci (Lond) (2013) 124 (7): 479–489.