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March 2016
Cover Image
Cover Image
Image of immunofluroscence staining of mouse gonads (left – testis and right – ovary) attached to the mesonephros from between embryonic day 12 and 13. Green indicates the sertoli cell protein Anti-Mullerain Hormone (AMH) and red indicates the ovarian protein called Foxl2. Blue indicates DAPI (which stains the nucleus). The antibodies are AMH (MIS) E19 santa Cruz, sc-34833 and Foxl2 Novus NB100-1277. For further details please see pp. 421-432. The image was kindly generated and provided by I. Knarston, K. Ayers and A. Sinclair.
ISSN 0143-5221
EISSN 1470-8736
In this Issue
Review Articles
Mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase deficiency
Malgorzata Rak; Paule Bénit; Dominique Chrétien; Juliette Bouchereau; Manuel Schiff; Riyad El-Khoury; Alexander Tzagoloff; Pierre Rustin
Clin Sci (Lond) (2016) 130 (6): 393–407.
The role of inflammation in the pathology of preeclampsia
Ashlyn C. Harmon; Denise C. Cornelius; Lorena M. Amaral; Jessica L. Faulkner; Mark W. Cunningham, Jr; Kedra Wallace; Babbette LaMarca
Clin Sci (Lond) (2016) 130 (6): 409–419.
Original Papers
Potent irreversible P2Y12 inhibition does not reduce LPS-induced coagulation activation in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Christian Schoergenhofer; Michael Schwameis; Eva-Luise Hobl; Cihan Ay; Nigel S. Key; Ulla Derhaschnig; Bernd Jilma; Alexander O. Spiel
Clin Sci (Lond) (2016) 130 (6): 433–440.
Infant adiposity at birth and early postnatal weight gain predict increased aortic intima-media thickness at 6 weeks of age: a population-derived cohort study
Kate McCloskey; David Burgner; John B. Carlin; Michael R. Skilton; Michael Cheung; Terence Dwyer; Peter Vuillermin; Anne-Louise Ponsonby; on behalf of the BIS investigator group
Clin Sci (Lond) (2016) 130 (6): 443–450.
Endothelial cell tolerance to lipopolysaccharide challenge is induced by monophosphoryl lipid A
Ryan J. Stark; Hyehun Choi; Stephen R. Koch; Benjamin A. Fensterheim; Fred S. Lamb; Edward R. Sherwood
Clin Sci (Lond) (2016) 130 (6): 451–461.