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August 2019
Cover Image
Cover Image
Progressive nephritis in NZB/W F1 mice, a murine model for lupus nephritis, is accompanied by progressive fibrosis characterised by increased deposition of collagen in the kidney. In the latest issue of Clinical Science (volume 133, issue 15), Zhang et al. describe experiments comparing mycophenolate and rapamycin in the treatment of murine lupus nephritis, focusing on kidney fibrosis which is a harbinger of kidney failure. Mycophenolate is a standard-of-care treatment for patients with lupus nephritis; and rapamycin is a drug currently used in the prevention of kidney transplant rejection, with anecdotal experience in patients with lupus nephritis. The cover image demonstrates comparable efficacy between mycophenolate and rapamycin in reducing the histopathologic severity of nephritis and collagen accumulation (blue colouration, Masson's trichrome staining).
ISSN 0143-5221
EISSN 1470-8736
In this Issue
Research Articles
Empagliflozin prevents cardiomyopathy via sGC-cGMP-PKG pathway in type 2 diabetes mice
Mei Xue; Ting Li; Yue Wang; Yunpeng Chang; Ying Cheng; Yunhong Lu; Xiangyang Liu; Linxin Xu; Xiaoyu Li; Xiaochen Yu; Bei Sun; Liming Chen
Clin Sci (Lond) (2019) 133 (15): 1705–1720.
Effect of mycophenolate and rapamycin on renal fibrosis in lupus nephritis
Chenzhu Zhang; Caleb C.Y. Chan; Kwok Fan Cheung; Mel K.M. Chau; Desmond Y.H. Yap; Maggie K.M. Ma; Kwok Wah Chan; Susan Yung; Tak Mao Chan
Clin Sci (Lond) (2019) 133 (15): 1721–1744.
Fatty acid oxidation inhibitor etomoxir suppresses tumor progression and induces cell cycle arrest via PPARγ-mediated pathway in bladder cancer
Songtao Cheng; Gang Wang; Yejinpeng Wang; Liwei Cai; Kaiyu Qian; Lingao Ju; Xuefeng Liu; Yu Xiao; Xinghuan Wang
Clin Sci (Lond) (2019) 133 (15): 1745–1758.
Mitochondrial ROS-induced lysosomal dysfunction impairs autophagic flux and contributes to M1 macrophage polarization in a diabetic condition
Yujia Yuan; Younan Chen; Tianqing Peng; Lan Li; Wuzheng Zhu; Fei Liu; Shuyun Liu; Xingxing An; Ruixi Luo; Jingqiu Cheng; Jingping Liu; Yanrong Lu
Clin Sci (Lond) (2019) 133 (15): 1759–1777.