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January 1970
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ISSN 0009-9287
Digestion of Gluten Peptides by Normal Human Jejunal Mucosa and by Mucosa from Patients with Adult Coeliac Disease
Clin Sci (1970) 38 (1): 11–25.
Plasma Concentrations of Radiocalcium after Oral Administration, and Their Relationship to Absorption
Clin Sci (1970) 38 (1): 27–39.
Defects in Haem Synthesis in Mammalian Tissues in Experimental Lead Poisoning and Experimental Porphyria
Clin Sci (1970) 38 (1): 63–72.
Spleen Blood Flow and Splanchnic Haemodynamics in Blood Dyscrasia and other Splenomegalies
Clin Sci (1970) 38 (1): 73–84.
Glomerular Permeability to High Molecular Weight Dextrans in Acute Ischaemic Renal Failure and Postural Proteinuria
Clin Sci (1970) 38 (1): 93–99.
Abnormal Renal Haemodynamics and Renin Suppression in Hypertensive Patients
Clin Sci (1970) 38 (1): 101–110.
Fibrinogen Catabolism: Kinetics of Catabolism following Sudden Elevation of the Pool with Exogenous Fibrinogen
Clin Sci (1970) 38 (1): 111–121.
Clinical Studies on Inflammation in Human Knee Joints: Xenon (133Xe) Clearances Correlated with Clinical Assessment in Various Arthritides and Studies on the Effect of Intra-Articularly Administered Hydrocortisone in Rheumatoid Arthritis
C. Dick; K. Whaley; R. A. St. Onge; W. W. Downie; J. A. Boyle; G. Nuki; F. C. Gillespie; W. Watson Buchanan
Clin Sci (1970) 38 (1): 123–133.
Medical Research Society Meeting Friday, 21 November 1969
The Effect of Isoprenaline and Noradrenaline on an Indirect Measure of Synovial Blood Flow in Dogs
Clin Sci (1970) 38 (1): 1P.
The Influence of the Pituitary Gland on Sodium Conservation, and Plasma Renin and Renin Substrate Concentrations in the Rat
Clin Sci (1970) 38 (1): 2P–3P.
The Role of the Diaphragm in the Genesis of the Sensation of Holding the Breath
Clin Sci (1970) 38 (1): 3P.