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April 1970
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ISSN 0009-9287
Medical Research Society Meeting Friday, 20 February 1970
Vincristine Neurotoxicity: A Clinical and Electrophysiological Study of Eighteen Patients
Clin Sci (1970) 38 (4): 23P–24P.
The Possible Significance of Ionic Gradient Changes Associated with Cardio-Pulmonary Bypass Surgery
Clin Sci (1970) 38 (4): 26P.
Calcium Metabolism and 47Calcium Kinetics before and after Long-Term Thyrocalcitonin Treatment in Senile Osteoporosis
Clin Sci (1970) 38 (4): 397–407.
Changes of Renin in Individual Glomeruli in Response to Variations of Sodium Intake in the Rabbit
Clin Sci (1970) 38 (4): 409–414.
Influence of Dietary Sucrose on Glucose and Fructose Tolerance and Triglyceride Synthesis in the Baboon
Clin Sci (1970) 38 (4): 427–437.
Observations of Renal Function in Patients Undergoing Therapeutic Diuresis with Frusemide
Clin Sci (1970) 38 (4): 439–449.
Influence of Anaesthesia on the Regional Distribution of Perfusion and Ventilation in the Lung
Clin Sci (1970) 38 (4): 451–460.
A Detailed Study of the Urinary Peptides in a Patient with Osteomalacia and Hyperparathyroidism
Clin Sci (1970) 38 (4): 519–532.