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March 1971
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ISSN 0009-9287
Medical Research Society Meeting Friday, 12 February 1971
Comparison of Human, Porcine and Salmon Synthetic Calcitonins in Man and the Rat
Clin Sci (1971) 40 (3): 9P–10P.
Urinary d-Glucaric Acid Excretion as a Measure of Hepatic Enzyme Induction in Man
Clin Sci (1971) 40 (3): 10P.
Replacement of Two Essential Aminoacids by Ketoacids in the Diet of Healthy and Uraemic Men
Clin Sci (1971) 40 (3): 11P.
The Effect of Renin, Angiotensin II and Adrenalectomy on Glomerular Capillary Permeability in the Rat
Clin Sci (1971) 40 (3): 12P.
The Effect of Halothane on Ventilatory Responses Mediated by the Peripheral Chemoreceptors
Clin Sci (1971) 40 (3): 13P–14P.
Enzymes of Glycogen Metabolism in Human Skin with Particular Reference to Differential Diagnosis of the Glycogen Storage Diseases
Clin Sci (1971) 40 (3): 261–269.
Reactions of Arterial and Venous Vessels in the Human Forearm and Hand to Deep Breath or Mental Strain
Clin Sci (1971) 40 (3): 271–282.
Chronic Hypertension Elicited by Infusion of Angiotensin into Vertebral Arteries of Unanaesthetized Dogs
Clin Sci (1971) 40 (3): 283–291.