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June 1971
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ISSN 0009-9287
In this Issue
Medical Research Society Meeting Friday, 21 May 1971
The Effect of the Long-Acting Thyroid Stimulator on the Adrenal Ascorbic Acid of the Mouse
Clin Sci (1971) 40 (6): 21P.
Small Intestinal Bile Salt Metabolism in Normal Subjects and in the Stagnant Loop Syndrome
Clin Sci (1971) 40 (6): 21P–22P.
The Effect of Various Milk Feeds on Neonatal Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphate and Protein Levels
Clin Sci (1971) 40 (6): 22P.
The Use of Systolic Time Intervals as an Assessment of Left Ventricular Function in Acute Myocardial Infarction
Clin Sci (1971) 40 (6): 24P–25P.
Formation, Viscosity, and Degradation of Artificial Thrombi after Cadaveric-Donor Kidney Transplantation
Clin Sci (1971) 40 (6): 25P.
A Suggested Method for Assessing Impairment of Myocardial Blood Flow in Patients Undergoing Selective Coronary Arteriography
Clin Sci (1971) 40 (6): 25P–26P.
Complementation in Vitro between Fibroblasts from Normal Subjects and Patients with Xeroderma Pigmentosum
Clin Sci (1971) 40 (6): 27P.
Simultaneous Determination of Plasma Converting Enzyme and Angiotensinase Activity by Radioimmunoassay
Clin Sci (1971) 40 (6): 443–449.
Influence of Extracellular Volume Expansion on the Composition of Proximal Tubular Fluid in Man
Clin Sci (1971) 40 (6): 479–486.
Long-Term Therapy of Diabetes Insipidus with Oral Benzothiadiazine and Phthalimidine Diuretics
Clin Sci (1971) 40 (6): 497–511.